This post has found a new home! Come visit it at "The Truth About Real Estate Syndication Sites" over on the Home Value Leads blog. Feel free to bring cookies when you come!
This post has found a new home! You can send it a housewarming gift, or just pay it a visit at "You May Be Helping Real Estate Syndication Sites" on the Home Value Leads blog.
This post has found a new home! Feel free to send a house warming gift, or just visit it at "Do You Send Your Clients To Zillow or Trulia?" on the Home Value Leads blog.
This post was originally written by me as "How NOT To Get Likes To Your Real Estate Facebook Page" on the Home Value Leads blog. Many people equate the number of "Likes" on their Facebook business page to how popular that page is. Some call it "social proof" and think that having more likes will
This post has found a new home! Visit it at Multiple Offers and the eBay Mentality: Explained
This post has found a new home! To read this post, click this link:How To Generate Multiple Offers On Your Home: The eBay Mentality
For years, I pleaded with Market Snapshot for updates. Their information was inaccurate, range was too large, and their product looked extremely dated. Unfortunately, I just could not find a good alternative to Market Snapshot. So what does any good business owner do when you can't find something
That's right. You should be afraid. Don't worry, I'm not going to mess up your websites, destroy the MLS, or anything like that. But I want to be a real estate hacker. "A lot of people think of hackers as geeky computer nerds who live in their parents basements and spread computer viruses. I don
Every house has SOMETHING wrong with it. But it is important to know what needs to be disclosed and what you don't have to. This is where having a real estate agent is a big plus, but in the end I always ask myself: Do you think it would affect anyone's decision? If yes, disclose it. Why? Becaus
I know, I know. I've been gone for a while. It has been a crazy Dallas real estate market for the past 6 months and it isn't really showing signs of slowing down. On top of that, I am now an owner of Home Value Leads, an optimized landing page to generate seller leads. I haven't had nearly enough