Paul's Scottsdale AZ Real Estate Chronicles

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Look no further than Paul Slaybaugh with Realty Executives for Scottsdale AZ Real Estate! Whether it is local information, Scottsdale Real Estate news, anecdotes, humor, or just a good read you are after, you'll find at least some of that here. See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!
“You mean, it’s ours? It’s really ours?” They were so excited. Even after I handed them the keys, they were slow to believe that the modest Spanish bungalow was now in their adoptive custody. Over the course of four exasperating months, we must have seen and dismissed close to a hundred homes. T...
  [Warning: Adult language, fiction and no graphics ahead] Sweets paused to take another drink of lukewarm water from the nearly empty Dixie cup that sat on the steel table in front of him.  He was meandering again.  Nursing the last sip while he attempted to regain his composure, he fought the u...
[WARNING: THIS POST CONTAINS NO GRAPHICS]   So you have 20% to put down for a single family home in Scottsdale AZ.  You have been gainfully employed in the same W2 position with the same company for years.  The American Express card with a $124 balance and the 2002 Honda Accord with the $112 mont...
You are mired that age old Scottsdale Real Estate quandary:  You want a central location in an established community, but you don't want the older construction that typically attends such preferred locales.   You love the walking paths, lakes, nearby shops, schools, mature landscaping with honest...
Live in Scottsdale?   Got kids?   Got kids that like mud?   If so, odds are you and the minions were cavorting about the same city sponsored bog that swallowed the Slaybaugh family this past weekend.  Saturday, 6/19/10, marked the 35th annual incarnation of the infamous Mighty Mud Mania event at ...
  Working the Scottsdale Real Estate market, my loyal readers are well aware of the special affinity I hold for the planned community of McCormick Ranch.   Far from the only area I work, it receives the extra attention that is reserved for the community that I will always consider home.  In the ...
If a rental property falls in the foreclosure forest, does it make it sound?   Lost amongst the haphazard flailing of an epileptic market at large, the rental housing subset of the Scottsdale Real Estate market is picking up unexpected steam.  Driven, perhaps, by the surge of former home owners t...
Predicting the future has become so passe that we now like to predict the past.  Visiting the funhouse of colossal gaffes gone wild might even be worthwhile were it not for the egocentric nature of such excursions.  The one doing the recollecting and post-mortem whistle-blowing typically prescrib...
I sell McCormick Ranch Real Estate. Shocking, I know, to many long-term readers of this forum.  However, it has been quite some time since I last directed the focus of this blog to my first housing love.  Not one to take my significant other for granted, it is far past time I renewed my vows. I h...
  On the Island of Oncewas, there lived but one scamp. One strangely stoic, scoundrelous scamp. There used to be more, there used to be four. There used to be four and eight thousand four more on this shore. So many scamps scamping are hard to ignore.   But there was no need for eight thousand an...

Paul Slaybaugh

Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate
local_phone(480) 948-9450
smartphone(480) 220-2337
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See Scottsdale through the eyes of a native son!

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