There are many paths to God, all relevant & good by their very nature & purpose i.e. to find God for yourself. Religion nurtures, gives guidance, counsel, rest & even promotes a culture that is positive for communities & individuals. THINK: God fearing/loving people vs the opposite. It's a plus
My very first decent job, decades ago, was, working for a multi-millionaire who was a retired Pharmacist, been through the depression, two world wars & then invested successfully in Real Estate. He was my mentor for 12 years. There was an age difference of 50 years between us. He kept calling me
What do you give to someone who has everything you can imagine? Here on earth, it is equally hard to gift people like that let alone GOD. But not to worry because the Son of GOD took care of the Gifting to the Father. He made himself an offering of obedience, loyalty, devotion, love everlasting a
I wonder what the world would be like if everyone not only practiced SMILING within their own family or circle of friends, but with anyone they meet(optional). I have yet to meet anyone that accused someone of: assault with a deadly SMILE, SMILING without a license or SMILING over the speed limit
Ambition unleashed or the heart-driven life? Do we apply a will, focus & then become unrelenting helping to achieve the subject? Called "goals" as in reaching your personal endeavor, while functional & necessary, do not confuse this with the heart-driven life where your wants & needs are known (&
This is a reminder to get hold of yourself and keep it even in the midst of testing and refinement as it applies to all endeavors, efforts, planning and progress. Everything has a beginning, and it is wise to focus on that as it will provide direction as to what is to come and what to do about i
You want a better life? How about a better outcome? Then learn to take responsibility for the part you play or don't play in your life. Look around you and see that the many learning opportunities to do so present themselves everywhere you go, non-stop, every day in varied subjects. Low awareness
Dreams, thoughts, aspirations, goals, wants, needs, careers, & all the rest begin so simply & naturally. How? First by an awareness that it all exists & then, by us being able to reach-out for them. Now, don't race ahead of the posting, but instead follow with me while we pay respect for such a s
We make hundreds of choices per day without keeping count which end up defining our lives as we have instructed. Stop and consider this. The day, event, situation or task goes as we have commanded either by acts of omission or commission. For a short time we call "life", we can command situations
A bunch of people, for whatever reason, decide to board a ship for unknown lands. They hope for the best but were immediately introduced to the worse. Sick sickness, scurvy, cold, poor diets, cramped quarters, lack of exercise, hopelessness and despair all visit in quantity. At some point, and a