Beginning January 1st, 2012 the VA Mortgage limits for 100% financing for Hawaii will be going down a little. For Oahu County is will be: $695,750 For all other Hawaii Counties it will be: $625,500 VA Jumbo loans will be handled the same way. Most of the Hawaii lenders require 25% down payment f
Jeff Foxworthy has, “you might be a redneck.” I have, “you might consider another line of work.” If you are a real estate agent or a loan officer and: 1) You don’t put your client’s needs ahead of yours; you might consider another line of work. 2) You don’t return phone calls on a time
Do you want to be a homeowner? Are you worried about timing? After reading this article, you will better understand why it is time to buy. Let’s look at a few factors, the amateur experts and the news media failed to tell you. · Prices are down. Are they at the bottom? There is no po
Over the last few years I have caught heat from mortgage brokers who disagree with my opinion in regards to why it is better to work with funding lenders over mortgage brokers. I have also gotten a far larger number of responses from real estate agents who from their experiences, agree completel
Selling a home can be quite a stressful process for sellers. Many homes are on the market for months and sometimes longer. Sellers need to maintain their home in showing condition during that period. That can be a big burden while trying to live their lives. They are paying mortgage and can’t
Professionalism is heavily discussed during CE classes (continuing education) I teach for real estate agents. When the State of Hawaii issues a salesman’s license to a real estate agent, the state is not saying you are qualified to properly represent a home buyer or a home seller. They are sayi
This Labor Day Weekend I will be wearing one of my other hats, that of Hawaii Chess Federation president. The Hawaii State Open Chess Championships will be held at the Ohana East Hotel in Waikiki. The time control will be Game/ 120. (Each player will have 2 hours on their clocks to complete of
There are signs all around, that the real estate market in my area is recovering. Today I held an open house at an older home near the Mililani golf course and had the largest turnout I have seen in at least a couple of years. We may have multiple offers coming in.
In the real estate business you never know what to expect. Every transaction has unique challenges and twists. The other day, I added another new experience to the list. My buyers' home inspection included the fire department coming out to assist the tenant whose boat sunk at the dock. B - Bri
My Marketing Programs are Designed to Sell Homes Better. My Marketing Programs Include: A website for each home, with its own web address. A virtual tour including wide angle shots of your home. A consultation with a professional home stager/ interior designer. A complete valuation report of you