By Jeffrey Strain - The Little amounts can make a large difference to your finances. As gasoline and food prices continue to rise, the squeeze to make family budgets balance each month becomes more of a struggle. After the big savings have been found and taken, smaller savings have to
I've come to the conclusion that I am now worth MORE than $100,000,000.00 as of this morning. I was looking at my portfolio and had been very frustrated because I have been working on breaking through the $100,000,000.00 level for a long time and I just couldn't get over the hump. What triggered
From the Desk of Rich Hayden - Financial Coach 207 S. Alfred Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 703.773.8409 - o 703.832.6467 - f Become 100% Debt Free (including your HOUSE!) in as little as 8 Years!I gotta tell ya, I like this show. Now, I'm not a huge fan
Before I get rolling, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. This is the time that so many of us resolve to do better in so many areas of our lives. Sometimes it works and we actually make some changes that stick. A friend shared the following link with me this morning that I thought was app
Today (12.26.2007) marks the launch of my blog. This blog, in conjunction with my video blogs (which will also be posted here), my quarterly paper newsletter (email me @ to get on my list) and other communications are resources for you to use freely as you put your financial