In our darse prisa, get it done quickly, microwave society, it is not uncommon to see folks taking shortcuts. To use a grossly overworked term, ‘It is what it is’. Additionally, after 15 years in the business, I have come to learn, if something does not look right, it isn't. While inspecting
Life Sucks! How many times have we said or have heard someone else say this? What a terrible affirmation! It is not life that sucks, it is, as the late, great Zig Ziglar used to say, one’s stinking thinking. As thinking and speaking beings, we are constantly broadcasting to the Universe our
As part of the inspection process for most States, inspectors are required to test smoke detectors for functionality. For the most part, current standards require smoke detectors to be interconnected so that if one goes off, they all go off. As luck would have it, the first detector fail
Everybody's definition of success is going to differ. It can be measured in the amount of money in the bank, car you drive, family, relationships, or number of sales transactions. All of these factors translate into the amount of happiness you bring into your life. I hope that all of you ha
Once again, the week is winding down and in a few short hours, it will be over never to be seen again. Much like the Magic Slate I played with as a child, the film will be lifted, all will be wiped clean and a fresh, never-lived week begins. This week has been fantastic. Work wise, it star
Earlier today, I read a post by Ron & Alexandra Seigel which was re-blogged by Roy Kelly. I found the post to be an interesting read and I feel that there is a misconception in our world when it comes to knowledge. Look at all the professors, teachers and those with degrees up the wadzoo. Th
As I prepare for BOLD early next month, I began to dwell on the BOLD law, "Change the way you look at things and things you look at change." How true this is. I am the only power in my world and thinker in my mind. It is my thoughts that create my life. Until I started reading several boo
Like everything in the realm of technology, it is constantly changing and evolving. Beating clothes on a rock, gave way to the wash board, which gave way to the wringer washer and so on. The same goes for dryers. Solar dryers, which I still use and like, gave way to the modern dryers we have
I will be the first to admit that I do not know it all and I do run into situations that are quite perplexing. One in particular are the cracks that have been filled in copious amounts of sealant. At first glance, the damage appeared to have been caused by the poor installation of the gas
What a wonderful day to be alive. Divine wisdom guides me. I am guided throughout this day in making right choices. Divine Intelligence continuously guides me in the realization of my goals. I am safe. Today, I get to experience another beautiful day. A day that I have never lived before