Do what you have always done, and you will get what you have always gotten. BOLD LAW If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got. – Albert Einstein If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got. ― Henry Ford
“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve regardless of how many times you may have failed in the past.” ~ Napoleon Hill Yesterday at BOLD, we watched the short movie, “The Miracle Man”. It was an individual who crashed a plane and overcame the medical professions
“Eagles: When they walk, they stumble. They are not what one would call graceful. They were not designed to walk. They fly. And when they fly, oh, how they fly, so free, so graceful. They see from the sky what we never see.” ~ Unknown Throughout the ages, Eagles have long been symbolized w
There are some days . . . and then, there are some days. Yesterday, is a cancelled check and I am glad that it is history as today, is full of new and wonderful opportunities. I received a good nights rest and my body feels rejuvenated. As I am seeing more balance in my life, today’s post wil
There are some days I feel like engaging in ActiveRain and then there are those days that I don’t. I am not anti-social, mind you, however; with the 1440 minutes that I am allotted every day, there is only so much that I can do. Sometimes, ActiveRain takes the back seat on the bus. There was
One of the things I strive to do is to end the week on a positive note. I recently read that what is on our mind when we go to bed determines our sleep and what we will wake up with in the morning. Based on this study, I am working to change my thought patterns and what I affirm to myself wh
Needless to say, if one is self-employed in the real estate business, at this time of the year we are busy. Nashville, like many areas is suffering from a severe lack of inventory that some call, “Thinventory”. One of the things that I have learned through my MAPS coaching and one of the quo
One of the things that I learned in my past session of bold is there is no but. Yes, we all have butts and in my world, but is no longer in my vocabulary. I am learning to replace the word but with and. But is a negative word and it negates every word and statement that precedes it even if th
One of the things that I learned in my past session of bold is, “There is no Try.” Try is a weak word that is essentially states and sets one up for failure. When one does not achieve, they often come back with, “Well, I tried.” In BOLD, I learned to replace try with intend or intent. In othe
Good morning, all. Today is a wonderful day. I had a very productive day yesterday as I had an opportunity to learn a new way to write goals. Yes, most folks write goals and like the most of you, I learned to write that I . . . However, what is the why behind your goal? I learned that your “B