It's not unusual to see new roofs installed on properties in subdivisions that were initially designed for first-time home buyers. Some of these subdivisions are now 20 years old and in order to maximize profits, builders often installed twenty-year shingles. Typically, 20 year three tab shi
After several weeks of development today I did the first trial run of the new inspection program that I plan to use on my iPad. As with any new development, there will be some bumps in the road that need to be smoothed out. Today's trial run wasn't without its trials and tribulations. Noneth
Monday Morning Motivator ~ 12.30.13If you don't create change, change will create you. ~ Unknown For some strange reason, my bent or focus for 2014 seems to be on change. Not necessarily change for the sake of change but change for the better. I find that I, like so many others, have an i
For most folks, pulling up to a gas pump and filling up is a common occurrence. However, when one drives an electric vehicle, it is something that rarely happens and when it creates a photo op. For me, it'd been over two months since I last visited a filling station. It's not like the car se
Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way.... One of the things that has been a huge challenge for me here in the ‘Rain is the slow connection to the servers especially in the early morning hours. Sometimes, I think that waxed string and two tin cans would be faster. Nevertheless, it is what it i
We were “Under the Boardwalk” on a “Pleasant Valley Sunday” around “Twilight Time”. Having “Heard it in a Love Song”, “Amie” and I made the decision to live “Forever in Blue Jeans”. So we decided to “Jump” on the“"Last Train to Clarksville" to look at a house on “Penny Lane”. “Downtown”,“Chi
My "Me Agreement" - Mind, Body & Spirit... 'Tis the season that once again millions of Americans write goals that within a few days or weeks at best go astray. Ironically enough, ActiveRain and Echosign are running an accountability contest. For the past few weeks I have been listening to sev
The more I read and study the Bible the more I begin to understand how our Western influence has colored and often times misinterpreted Scripture. Probably one of the most misinterpreted parts of Scripture surrounds the events at the time of the birth of Christ. Of all the evangelists Matthe
Christmas. A time in the season that is filled with peace, joy, laughter, family, friends, and richly steeped in traditions. The traditions around my house have changed through the years. When the squeals of laughter and excitement from the children echoed through the halls of the house, we
One of the traditional meals we have around the house is sausage casserole. This is a dog-eared, faded, hand-written old recipe that one will not find in cookbooks. Ingredients:16 slices of white bread – remove the crust and cut into squares3 cups of milk and six eggs – blend together1 teasp