PropertyMinder's Real Estate Marketing Blog

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PropertyMinder's blog helps real estate and mortgage professionals capture leads and convert more prospects into customers.
 Tawd Frensley, PropertyMinder VP of Sales & Marketing, provides extensive insight on how to fully nurture buyer and seller leads, maximize client retention, stay top-of-mind, and strengthen your marketing efforts, through the implementation of exceptional practices and cutting-edge technology.  ...
Tawd Frensley, PropertyMinder VP of Sales & Marketing, provides extensive insight on how to fully nurture buyer and seller leads, maximize client retention, stay top-of-mind, and strengthen your marketing efforts, through the implementation of exceptional practices and cutting-edge technology.How...
Hey ActiveRainers,Below is a quick word from my marketing colleague, Andy Coffaro, in addition to a NEW version of an infographic we created on the 7 Least Annoying Ways To Capture Email Addresses (the coveted home seller emails, in particular). Take it away, Andy:"There’s arguably nothing more i...
 Hey ActiveRainers,Below is a quick word from my marketing colleague, Andy Coffaro, in addition to an infographic we created on the 7 Least Annoying Ways To Capture Email Addresses (the coveted home seller emails, in particular). Take it away, Andy:"There’s arguably nothing more important to your...
*infographic above provided via article mentioned, below.Hey ActiveRainers,San Jose, California (home of PropertyMinder headquarters) is still considered one of (if not) the hottest housing markets in the nation.A local realtor, Louis Fong, released this video pitching an unusual service to poten...
  Staying connected to your homeowners (via Seller's Corner) pays off in 2018.How?Case in point: 680 Emily Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043- Listing Price (2015): $765,000 (via Redfin)- Listing Price (2018): $1,199,000 (via Oak Anchor Homes)- Property Value Increase: $434,000 in just 1 year.In a nu...
  Hey ActiveRainers,Tim here, did you catch the last free WEBSITE MASTERY webinar?If you missed it, this is a great chance for a LIVE, interactive experience.Even if you attended the last one, you can look forward to more product updates, marketing tips, insight, and tutorials on how we can immed...
 by Andy CoffaroPropertyMinderMarketing There’s arguably nothing more important to your real estate marketing campaigns than collecting high-quality leads via email signups. It’s pretty simple: If you don’t capture email addresses, you can’t keep your funnel jam-packed with high-quality leads tha...
  Hey ActiveRainers, Tim here. How was your weekend?Quick heads up (in case you missed it): our recorded WEBSITE MASTERY Webinar is available online. And it's completely free to check out (scroll down for some excerpts, if you need convincing).Speaking of free - are you still interested in market...
 Staying connected to your homeowners (via Seller's Corner) pays off in 2018.How?Case in point: 680 Emily Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043- Listing Price (2015): $750,000 (via Redfin)- Listing Price (2018): $1,298,000 (via Oak Anchor Homes)- Property Value Increase: $548,000 in just 2 years.In a nu...

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Founded in 1999, PropertyMinder specializes in professional Internet image, lead capture and conversion, and website traffic generation.