ActiveRainers,Tim here, and I’m just going to cut to the chase: good things (listings) don’t come to those who wait – they come to those who agitate (their leads and clients). And when I say agitate, I mean it in the most positive and motivating (NOT irritating) way possible. Agitate: verb, to a
Irrespective of our heavy reliance on digital exchanges (via email, text or Facebook) – verbal communication with folks still matters. Your sellers are no exception. If anything, they need to hear your voice and/or see you in-person more than anyone else.What better time to connect than during a
Howdy ActiveRainers, Tim here, with a quick reality check: your website doesn't have to be perfect. What it does have to be, though, is worthwhile. A worthwhile website. Cool concept. But let's break it down, word for word: Worthwhile: adj., worth the time, money, or effort spent; of value or im
Howdy,Tim here, with a quick (seller-related) heads up for springtime... As you begin your Spring cleaning at the office - you may find that you're missing a few things - namely, listings. And I mean missing in the true sense of the word: "adj. not able to be found because it is not in its expec
Maximize your listings.Maximize your referrals.Maximize your repeat businessIn short, and quite simply: maximize your potential.All 8 tips/steps and resources are a few clicks away...
Our featured February Tips Of The Week