PropertyMinder's Real Estate Marketing Blog

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PropertyMinder's blog helps real estate and mortgage professionals capture leads and convert more prospects into customers.



 As we mentioned in our newsletter (i.e.-March's week-by-week guideline), it's important to follow your own intuition. So, how do you get folks to "go with their gut" and turn to you for everything real estate related? MLS Searches & Custom IDX aregreat starting points to get folks responding.Tom...
 Go with your gut, be heartfelt and sincere, and make things happen with this comprehensive and thoughtful monthly marketing outline - designed primarily to ensure you hit the ground running as we head into March.3 Hearty Tools to Trump the Competition: Easy as A-B-C."Heart-y" as in wholesome, ef...
 More of a Listing Agent? Jump on the next Seller's Corner webinar to secure another (or more) as we head into summer!The following is an example of a personally-drafted phone script for an actual PropertyMinder client. *Keep in mind... Having in-hand conversation-starters and content to smoothly...
   "Heart-y" as in wholesome, effective, full of warm energy and, well, heart. Convert leads into lasting relationships and reliable sources of new referrals for your business. CRM: Winning Over Hearts & Minds You deserve the best of both marketing worlds. Namely: cutting-edge, easy-to-use techno...
 Your Week-by-Week Guideline for March 2016 Piggybacking on February’s Week-by-Week plan, here’s a practical layout of what you should be focusing on as we head into March. Remember to use your intuition. Mix and match the order of the weeks, including the tasks and their durations, based on your...
 Your overlooked and underused, yet empowering, marketing stash:MLS Searches & Custom IDX. What you're missing: 1) Getting your website on Google's "good-side."2) Treating your website like a department store to increase visitor and consumer traffic.3) Providing and delivering exactly what folks ...
February is almost over.  (Time flies, eh?)Now is the time you should be getting noticed for the March and April Real Estate RushThe real estate springtime rush is almost here- which means you need make sure your pipeline is fully nourished for spring.The average person knows 3 real estate agents...
 The following guest blog post is brought to you by Tawd Frensley, PropertyMinder's VP of Sales & Marketing.The "Right Place" for your clients is on YOUR website.- Not Zillow- Not Redfin- Not the Internet page provided by your MLS membership.1) Marketing should be internalized. Since your website...
Top-of-Mind vs. Top-of-Heart. Less than one month until spring. The busy season is very, very close. People are depending on you for information. By Tawd Frensley, PropertyMinder's VP of Marketing and SalesThe decision to sell a home can be broken down into 6 categories:1) They bought their home ...
Hi there,We've asked our writers to come up with effective, great-sounding past-client email text for you. And they delivered! Or use them as pitches for in-person or over-the-phone conversations, too. Why not make sure you make the most of the first 6 months of 2016? It's so easy to simply say "...

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Founded in 1999, PropertyMinder specializes in professional Internet image, lead capture and conversion, and website traffic generation.