MLS Searches LIVE WEBINAR TODAYThursday, September 3rd 20153:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM CST / 6:00 PM EST One hour today will save you dozens more down the road. - AccelerAgent tracking will show you what your clients like, when they look, even if they're not viewing their search results. - L
Internalize your marketing with these easy tips. Your website is an extension of you- it is the "honey." It is your digital storefront that shows your past successes and areas of expertise. Most agents send emails, flyers, and postcards to their clients without any call-to-act
...So make sure they're not lead astray.Question - are you a giver or taker this holiday season?Agents that do nothing but take leads may eat better,but agents that give back to their clients eat and sleep better.'Tis the season for giving:GIVE your clients relevant information. And RECEIVE lasti
Our Sales Director, Tawd, is dishing out our winning strategy. Simple and straightforward.2015 is 21 days away. Time to step up your game.2nd exclusive webinar launches TODAY:at 1:30 PM (PST) / 4:30 PM (EST) (100 attendee limit). Register here.
Please join us for our 2nd exclusive Winning Strategy Webinar with our Sales Director, Tawd Frensley. It launches today: Wednesday, December 10th at 1:30 PM (PST) / 4:30 PM (EST). If you missed the 1st one in November, this is a great way to not only catch up on our company's strategy and philo
Love truly.Laugh uncontrollably.And forgive quickly. This includes yourself.Stop beating yourself up for not maintaining contact with past clients. Seller's Corner and your CRM prevents those regretful falling outs.Extract more money out of your current database. Register for today's free CRM web
Apologies and regrets for not staying in touch with past clients won't generate business. You actually have to change the way you reach out. Your AccelerAgent Toolkit is a sorry-free zone. 2015 is less than 30 days away. End 2014 strong. Learn more about our Winning Strategy: 2nd exclu
Cold weather means a decrease in foot traffic, which means an increase in website traffic.Remember: People start researching online months before they contact an agent... and boy is that true during the winter months.We never know who is going to be in town for the holidays or who will have a re
Apologies and regrets for not staying in touch with past clients won't generate business.You actually have to change the way you reach out.Your AccelerAgent Toolkit is a sorry-free zone.Get reconnected today. Touch base with your Sellers and maintain a relationship with your Buyers. Begin wi