PropertyMinder's Real Estate Marketing Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - PropertyMinder, Inc.
PropertyMinder's blog helps real estate and mortgage professionals capture leads and convert more prospects into customers.



  Don't just give thanks to your clients this year. Give them what they want and need.Set up easy MLS searches, branded alerts, and updates to your custom pages to ensure clients get relevant information at the right time: when they are celebratory and feasting with family and friends.We’ve compi...
It’s about appreciating and getting the most out of what you have. This includes your past clients. Hi, Tim and Anna here. We’d like you to meet Tawd Frensley, our Sales Director. He hosted a special webinar about our winning strategy a couple weeks ago. It was such a success that he’ll be hostin...
  A: Easily setting up MLS searches, branded alerts, and updates to your custom pages to ensure clients get relevant information at the right time: when they are celebratory and feasting with family and friends. Don’t just give thanks to your clients this year. Give them what they want and need. ...
Now is the time to act. Learn about Seller's Corner and how it can help you get responses from past clients and leads within days, sometimes even minutes. Not sure how to make a difference in your business in the last month of 2014? This is how. Keep your sellers informed and maintain relationshi...
  -Having a reliable system in place that keeps your relationships nurtured is the driving force behind reaching your sales goals. -With our MLS Search tools, you have the ability to create customized searches for both your existing clientele and for the incoming visitors that your site attracts....
Less than 1 hour until the MLS Searches webinar. Yes, it is easy to learn and do.  Yes, you have to put in a couple hours of learning how to do it. No, you will not regret it. Yes, it will improve your business and it will brand you as an expert, while keeping you top-of-mind for a very long time...
In a nutshell, in order to create loyal clients, you've got to differentiate yourself with consistent personal and web-based campaigns, the kind that last in your leads' and past clients' minds. If your clients and leads are consistently drawn to your website, then they'll remember you when it ma...
The (Free) MLS Searches Webinar isTomorrow, November 13th3:00 PM PST/5:00 PM CST/6:00 PM EST    Three reasons why the MLS Searches webinar is worth your time. You can learn how you can get contacted for listings that are not even yours. Learn how our system brands you to every listing. You will b...
Not ready to purchase and begin learning all of AccelerAgent, but thinking about it? Or just thinking about using real estate technology in your business, but not ready to dive in head first- just looking to dip a toe in? Would you like to just spend a half hour a day doing something that will vi...
 Losing business is not completely unavoidable. If a relative or associate of a past client gets their real estate license, there’'s not much you can do.However, there are a couple of things that you can do to prevent past clients from turning to other agent(s): remind your clients that you are v...

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Founded in 1999, PropertyMinder specializes in professional Internet image, lead capture and conversion, and website traffic generation.