Hi folks, A lot of renters don't realize if they can afford to rent, they can afford to buy. If you have good credit and have been on the job at least 2 years, or in a related field for a total of 2 years and your debt isn't too high, then you can buy. There are lots of programs to get you in wit
Check out my website, www.namparealtor.com . It allows you to search for homes very easily, has listings with pictures, virtual tours, information, everything you need. It also allows you to search by subdivision, and has links to schools, jobs, area info, all kinds of neat stuff. You can also ap
Good info from my lender partner, Corey Chase at Apex Mortgage....Your First Step Toward Buying a HomeWhen preparing to buy a home, the first thing many homebuyers do is look at "homes for sale" ads in newspapers, magazines and listings on the internet. Some potential buyers read "how-to" article
So how was it being a new agent and writing that first contract up? Anyone remember that far back? Let us know your experience, the all important first deal. Here is mine....I had my sister in law and her husband decide they needed to get out of the inlaw's house before their baby was due. They b
Ok, let's post what makes that cell phone blow up. My best sources are magazine ads, I do 2 a month, farming postcards to subs I market to, my website gets some leads, and even my sign and flyers have gotten me calls and led to deals. Past clients call too with referrals here and there, those are
Anyone have a great source for continuing ed? Mine is www.americas-best.net . Definately easy to use, cost isn't at all bad, you just have to log the time required, even if you finsish and pass it faster. Just open the module you need and let it run. They were quick to mail official completion do
Off topic, but we can't live and breathe real estate 100% of the time can we? Don't want to get burned out. Here is my fearless forecast....Patriots/Colts - Look for the Colt's D to falter a bit, but it won't matter as Manning gets hot finally and passes for over 300 in a 34-24 win at home.Saints
What is everyone's clients going for these days? Is it getting all the 3-2-2's they can and having a property management company handle them for them? Or are people buying up all the bare land they can get that still doesn't cost a fortune and is just outside the impact zone? What about multi-uni
SO I want to know how everyone happened to get into real estate. What were you doing previously, how long have you been in, what kind of level of production have you been able to do? We need to get to know the other agents we will be dealing with on referrals, so this is a good way to get to know
The question most often asked at RE/MAX is pretty straightforward: what does the word "RE/MAX" mean?The answer is self-explanatory and elegant in its simplicity: RE/MAX is an acronym for Real Estate Maximums.It means that an agent working for RE/MAX will garner the maximum amount of commissions a