I did post this info to Realtors because of the listings, whether for buyers or sellers, or in showings you may have concerning owners with Pets. I felt these may be helpful sources to have for you. Of course I thought about the Home Stagers in our AR network. I also posted outside to Localism ...
Top 5 Reasons You Should Blog on Active Rain was written by Rebekah Radice. This is sooo TRUE!! If you doubt, then go to your Google analytics & check it out... It is true. However, STOP, there is a platform to some degree & I did just eat snow this week & we have to make sure if we set it for...
Doug Bullwinkel just posted this & I have suggested it for a feature & we all have to write!! If this tax deduction goes away, it will be like another nail in the coffin... Thank you Doug for the post! Passing it forward. If you haven't already....We have to take the time to WRITE!Home Mortga...
I promised that today's blog would lift some spirits or at the very least help to take you away for a minute. This article caught may eye & once I read it I HAD to share!! It did take me a couple of days to post...was up all night from a flight back from Santiago, Chile. I hope you enjoy :)!! ...
"Staging Really Works" by Mr. Dan Edward Phillips, Realtor and Broker/Owner Eureka, CA Mr. Phillips, a successful Broker, in Eureka, CA has shared this morning a very warming blog & numerous comments from Realtors, Inspectors, & Real Estate professionals across the country regarding the professi...
Really Make Your ActiveRain Blog Stand Out With A Custom Header and Background! by James Shiner Okay, I am re-blogging this also for "newbies" like me! This may help as well :) & be a little easier. Have a great weekend...I'm sure many of you have seen the blogs here on ActiveRain with custom h...
How to make a custom background for ActiveRain, Twitter, Youtube, and blog by Matt Dunlap I am a relatively new person her on Active Rain & I just did a search trying to "up" the look of my background a bit & came across this blog by Matt Dunlap in Oakland, CA. He has some really cool tips that ...
"Seterus ~ More Mortgage "Blah", but you may not have seen or could use the info I am sending it forward anyway.... I just went to Google Seterus. I had no idea 'who they were/are'...last time I saw info it was LBPS? Mortgages changing faster than my grandson has to have a bottle...(okay I imp...
Saving the economy with credit repair..... This is sooo what I was trying to communicate regarding the flow of the future, except that I wasn't near as effective. I am forwarding this great post by Kimberlie Hooker, who speaks of how important credit repair will be to our economy's future.......
"Newbies" You gotta try the Active Rain University... Active Rain University - I learned soooo much today!! SEO, how to finally upload photos…how many words & how to position my blogs. Referral networks & where to go. What a wealth of information J I strongly recommend it to the “newbies” joining...