Extra, Extra, fresh off the Press. We have Homework!! Yes, Homework :) or another contest (lol) Passing this forward as we have to suggest soon. Mucho Suerte.Were you one of those folks who hated homework in school? Not me! I was kind of an @$$ kisser when I was in school. All the teachers l...
I had a few neighbors taking notice of me washing the windows in the rain today. Before you think I am completely off my rocker, it wasn't raining when I started & it was mostly a light drizzle. In South Florida, especially in the tropical season, it can be sunny one minute & raining the next. ...
I have to re-blog this as Phil sent me the nicest email this morning! We always enjoy reading his blogs & so this was such a "challenging" subject to respond to this time. In my mind, it was especially challenging. Just for the record. The comment is true that he wishes he could go back & cha...
Thanks to Sharon Lee...This trip down memory lane was oh so enjoyable!! I thought may be others may enjoy it as well as I did!! Thank you Sharon it was very cool to see those photos!On Friday Mom and I and Laura our helper took a day trip to Mount Airy N.C. Now what could possibly be in Mount A...
Healing & Camaraderie After The Storm - The mess is the hardest part, & depending the level, sometimes there is devastation.... There are the times that, somehow, the"process" can be, in a twisted way, therapeutic. I found myself being way active in all the storms, Andrew & beyond, which felt...
Please read the scale below & pass it forward to your neighbor & your neighbor's neighbor. I don't know why I didn't post this prior. I just dropped my jaw when I just heard a report on the weather channel of an area & what they have seen. Now, I am not speaking to those in North Carolina. I ...
"Little Things" That Sometimes Can Make a Difference.... One little thing you may consider that can make a difference when you place your home on the market. I pressure washed this & then replicated the finish that was previously there. This is concrete driveway faded & revitalized (before-r / ...
(Photos) Please don't let Insurance Lapse / Gap in Closings or between Closings ~ During the Hurricane Season ~ or any season for that matter. I can speak from experience that sometimes your previous home closes & your new home is not quite ready & you think you have coverage...well "if" you c...
Hurricane Irene - or "any" storm for that matter..... I wanted to get the word out on this item. I slept through Hurricanes as a child, after all my parents were taking care of me & keeping me safe. I found a new respect with them during Andrew & I almost put my child in jeopardy. This is a si...
The Innocence of Kindergarten. I have often wished that we could keep ourselves, our children & our society as a whole stuck in the years of Kindergarten, mostly because of the "innocence". I treasure those years of Kindergarten, as those years, were the 1st time, I was able to go to intermingle...