Newest Member of the Team! While she's only a temporary member of the PHA moving organizer team, 12-week old Chloe was such a BIG help to us as we packed an entire kitchen around her! aaah... such sweet dreams. And, this professionally packed dishpack box makes such a great headboard!! DA
Managing Time I was having drinks with a friend last week who told me she was tripping up over not managing her time properly... getting side-tracked when on the computer, not finishing items on her To Do list, finding it difficult to time-block etc. etc. I think it's all in our perception. Whe
Don't Waste Those Dregs... I love to cook and often use wine. Since I'm not a big wine drinker (remember my favorite beverage is Johnny Walker Black!) I always have an open bottle of wine in my fridge. But, for the many of you who do enjoy a glass of wine or two... here's how to make the best u
What Was I Thinking? About six weeks ago, I received a phone call from a past client asking me if I was still in the moving organizer business... I said "yes". He and his family had purchased a home in Davis, CA (10 minutes south of Sacramento, CA) and would be moving from his current home in
Are Thieves Are Looking at YOU? Identity thieves that is.... all an identify theft person needs is your social security number and your name. With those two pieces of information, they can do a great deal of damage to your financial reputation! So, for your protection, PLEASE shred any of the fo