Could You Use 25% More Storage Space? When I get a call from a propspective client about an organization project, there is always the comment "I'm so disorganized. I have nowhere to put anything".... and while many times that's true, often times it's just a matter of putting like things togeth
Maximizing Storage Space Here are some tips to help you organize and maximize your storage space. These all seem logical, but, they are commonly missed. 1. Try to keep "like things together" - so if you are storing holiday decorations, don't have some in your basement and others in your gara
Memorial Day Parade in San Francisco Head over to the Presidio this Monday for an awe inspiring tribute to honor those who lost their lives while serving our Country. The Parade begins at the Main Post at 10:30am (near Sheridan & Lincoln) and will be led by the Pipes & Drums of the 191st Army B
A Day in the Life of a Moving Organizer - How Long Does it Take to Pack a Kitchen? Well, there are kitchens and then there are kitchens. I've been in kitchens that are so large, it takes 5 people, three full days to pack it (remember our packing days are usually seven hours per day - so, 5 crew
A Day in the Life of a Moving Organizer - Packing Day So... what does a Moving Organizer actually do?? Good question. Like other small business owners, many days are filled with prospecting, administrative tasks, marketing or networking activities and then there are actual WORK days. The client
Setting Up Your New Home - Moving Day Are you overwhelmed with boxes? Not sure where your coffee pot or tea pot is for breakfast tomorrow morning? What about bedding so you and your family can sleep tonight after an exhausting moving day? If you had hired a Moving Organizer, here is what movi
No matter where you live... seniors require special handling when they make the decision to relocate from their current home. Recently, after 11 months of intermittent meetings, consultations and suggestions, PHA worked for almost five weeks helping an 85 year old couple distribute the contents o
Moving to San Francisco? People move to San Francisco for a variety of reasons: job relocation, boomers looking to retire to an Urban lifestyle, singles looking to enjoy City life or people just wanting a temperate climate! Many of you know I've lived in multiple locations throughout the United
Had to re-blog this very well-done post by David Ames.... Also want to share with you another interesting, 'only in SF' tidbit.... The local garbage company trucks can not navigate either Lombard or Vermont St (and some other streets here in SF) so all garbage, recycling and compost gets picked u
Monday Inspiration "The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." Oprah Winfrey I hope you'll take some time to acknowledge your own successes in life. And pat yourself on the back when you have created a goal and then achieved it. When we can honor our