den Boer Homes

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Real Estate Agent - Atlanta Communities - 303302



I am currently working with a couple who need just a bit of work on their credit scores before they will be able buy a home. They are not in terrible shape, but it will be another 6 months or so before their scores get to the point a mortgage will be available to them. I took them to see 2 homes ...
Margaret is so correct in her blog about granite counter tops. Here in the Metro Atlanta area we see the same thing. There is a price point at which granite is expected. If you are trying to get to this price point, granite is a must. On the other hand, if you are selling in a lower price point, ...
I was watching the nightly news last night when their housing "expert" said that Tuesdays are the best day to list your home. Huh? Why? Well, the "Expert" didn't say why. She only mentions this like it was a well known fact and moves on to the next gem. I can't for the life of me figure out why T...
Now this is a guy that generates points! I get about 100,000 points in a full year, but Bob is on a tear! Let's all get together and put him over the top, just because we can! Go Bob!!!11 days, 9000 pts, 50 years About a year ago, I was 4 months into the blogging thing and thought that I had it a...
It is always an exciting time when you decide to sell your home. You have great memories you will be leaving behind in your home, but you are looking forward to the new ones you will make elsewhere. So, the agent has been picked, a few pictures have been taken, and the sign is in the front yard. ...
Ordinarily, someone wanting to by a home for sale would be a good thing. There is an occasion when it is not. This happens before your home is ever listed with an agent. It is when you are interviewing agents for the job of selling your home. When you finally decide on the agent to hire simply be...
  When your agent talks about a subdivision's amenities, he/she is talking about the community pool, tennis courts, and green space. Some subdivisions are what I like to call amenity rich, and others have no amenities at all. When you are looing at homes to buy, it is smart to pay attention to w...
Well, of course I mean that in the nicest way. Have you ever searched on Google for yourself? Just type in your name to the little search box, hit enter, and see what you get. You might be very surprised! As a Realtor, I like to see my Googled name produce lots of hits. This means that after I ha...
Well, do you? There are things in life that we should always have a plan for. A business plan is a must. But what about a plan for if something goes wrong. I mean really wrong? I was watching a movie this weekend about the true story of a family caught in a tsunami in Thailand. After the waves hi...
Excellent! You have decided that now is the time to jump into the real estate market and buy a home, but the agent you called for help will not take you to see any homes without a pre-approval letter from your lender. What's up with that? Your agent is being wise and is protecting you. There are ...

Peter den Boer

MBA,GRI, Associate Broker, Realtor
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