Pierre's Blog

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Services for Real Estate Pros - Trulia.com
Blog? SEO? CRM sure I got that! Trulia, tech and real estate - no problem! tips and advice as straight up as possible.
Hello my lovely AR friends. Normally i am not one to get up here and bemoan my predicaments, I rarely do that, I usually tend to lean towards the tip/advice kind of guy... but today, i just need to vent. this weekend is my 5th wedding anniversary! I am so, so, so happy to be spending time with my...
I just got a post asking about the Inman Real Estate Connect Conference, which kicks off here in San Francisco tomorrow...so hopefully this is not too late to provide some tips on how to get the most out of the Inman events. This is my fourth Inman conference. In previous years I have gone to the...
Awhile back i wrote about an awesome site that donates school supplies, and funds projects for our school teachers across the country. It has been getting rave reveiws and really growing while helping thousands of students across the country. Well, they entered the American Express Member's Proje...
hey all! For those of you that use the Voices platform on Trulia, I just wanted to be sure that you know we now have a button to include on your site and profiles! The page with the code is here: http://www.trulia.com/tools/buttons/profile/ Don't forget that you can also get a Map to include on y...
I just want to give http://Facebook.com and http://LinkedIn.com proper placement in my social networking roadmap. I left them out of my initial posting about Social Networking.Facebook In my previous posting, I sort of disregarded FaceBook as a "MySpace" - but I am quite wrong. Sure it definitely...
No I am not talking about "MySpace" or "Facebook", those two sites may make you seem hip, but as far as reaching your target audience, you are a little off - unless you are doing rentals or sell in a college community. There are 3 other venues, that truly speak to your demographic, late 20's to m...
An amazing tool has been unleashed to the world that allows real estate developers, agents, buyers and you to see how an area has developed and grown over time, "Hindsight". Year by year, you can see the affects a factory opening, a train line meeting a new destination, the depression and the "B...
Greetings my fellow AR friends. Trulia.com is now out of Beta! WOO-HOO! So what does this mean to the average real estate broker/agent? Well, the fastest growing real estate website in the US, just got even better. Unleash YOUR voice on our new  "Voices" interface, our new search result pages, an...
It is March 2, 2007 - where were we 6 years ago? What were we doing then, or not doing then that we are doing now? The question is worth asking. I for one was just getting into SEO, reading books, looking at message boards - the original blogs - I think I was still using AOL as my main e-mail acc...
Realogy announced this morning that they will be sending their entire listings inventory to Trulia.com and Google base for national syndication. This is the first time that Realogy, who owns Century 21, ERA and Coldwell Banker to name a few, will be actively allowing sites like Trulia to display ...

Pierre Calzadilla

local_phone(415) 400-7260
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Blog? SEO? CRM sure I got that! Trulia, tech and real estate - no problem! tips and advice as straight up as possible.

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