Arizona FHA and USDA Rural Development Home Loans Blog

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FHA, FHASecure, FHA Secure, FHA HOPE, Rural Development, rural real estate, rural housing, rural housing loan, rural usda, government loan, guaranteed loan, Mortgage, Tucson, Arizona, Pima County, Phoenix, foreclosure refinance, fha refinance, bad credit mortgage, fha loan, mortgage broker, fha secure, fha mortgage, short refinance, short financing, short loans, short mortgage



Even When They ALL Say You Can’t..Yes You Can! I get this question quite a bit, probably because I’m in Arizona right?  And a pool is a great way to keep cool in our fairly hot summers. But a lot of lenders will just say NO when it comes to using a USDA loan to buy a home with a swimming pool.  T...
Which Is The Better Loan, The USDA Loan or The FHA Loan? Well I do quite a bit of both and for the majority of people the USDA loan will be a much better financial move for buyers in Arizona, and here’s why. FHA has a down payment requirement, and it is currently at 3.5% of the purchase price.  T...
More people would be looking at buying a home in Arizona with the No Down Payment USDA Loan if they could buy without their spouses negative credit.  There are a great deal of reasons why one spouse may have very good credit and the other may have some negative credit marks; especially in this cu...
Credit Score Optimization Tips for the USDA Loan Program With lender’s continuing to tighten their guidelines, it is more important than ever to know how to optimize your credit score for getting a USDA Loan here in Arizona.  There are five components that make up your credit score, let’s take a ...
How Student Loans Impact USDA Loan Qualifying When people are looking at getting an Arizona Home Loan whether it is a USDA Loan or FHA Loan who have existing student loans, they need to be aware of how those student loans will impact their qualifying.  The USDA Loan Program is very popular among ...

Paul Dunn

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