Nothing to do this weekend, try visiting any othe the urban legend sites. 1. Love Bugs.On to a bug that most of us wish was a myth: the lovebug. There's a legend that lovebugs were somehow developed by the government to stem the mosquito problem you're all probably very aware of down here in Flo
According to the U.S. Department of Justice statistics, a home in the U.S. is broken into about every 15 seconds.Security First Insurance provides some great information on their website. I have posted some of their key tips to protecting your home. "Every home is a potential target: don’t think
Want to know what the whole VA loans program is about? We invite you to come to our complimentary class tomorrow night Thursday April 27th 2017 at 7pm. Reserve you seat by clicking the link. IS LIMITED.Did we mention pizza & drinks will be provid
With Tiny Houses all the rave right now, many people are considering building shed into mini houses. Houselogic posted an article recently about whether its worth it or not. If you considering going for the extra expense, consider what your future plans are. If your planning on selling your hom
Start investing in your own equity.
According to movers are sometimes given a task of moving some really odd items. I can imagin movers have some stories to share whether exciting or disturbing. From comic collections, expensive antiques, to boxes of adult toys. Here are some of the weird things mentioned in their arti
This is our last class for April. RSVP through Eventbrite at: veterans-home-buying-class Seating is limited.
We just want to say thank you to everyone who came to the complimentary class this evening. If you missed it, don't worry, we will have more classes in the near future. Plus, we have one more class this month on VA loans.
I was watching the tech news yesterday about those home internet devices like Alexa, Echo and the how people are hacking those and the cameras in your homes security system.Alexa is constantly listening to conversations within its range, and when it hears the magic word “Alexa” it starts. When a
One of the perks about living in a small county town is having the ability to shop local. Although Saint Cloud FL is growing by the thousands, there are still neighbors who enjoy sharing their home grown items with the public. This brings me to the Chapman's U Pick Blueberries. "Fruits from loca