As I was writing a blog post the other day, without thinking I included the words “surfing Facebook”. Who “woulda thunk” five years ago I would visit Facebook more than the web? And what is the web anyway? Is the web a website? Nope! Is the web Google? Nope! Is the web Facebook? Nope! The web i...
As a small biz owner and entrepreneur there is always too much to do and not enough time to do it. With BIG dreams, BIG ideas, BIG hopes and little budget, resource and stretched time… the BIG and LITTLE sides don’t always line up. Truth is, it’s all how you look at it. Many businesses owners ...
Website got ya' down? Are you are zoomin' along on other websites, wondering why yours doesn't have the same cool look and feel. Remember the grass isn't always greener on the other side. There are probably also folks looking at your blog or website thinking yours is cool too. Don't let the need...
How many times have you said “I really wish I had someone to help me with that!” Or how about “if only I had two more hands and three more hours it would all get done on time”? Tonight as I almost pulled every folicle of hair out of my head with 5 hours of simultaneously fulfilling the role of a...
If only I knew then what I know now. What would I do different? How would I be living my life? What if what you knew now you knew the same day you started social media? Would you approach it any different? There are many things the generations before us could offer. In reality social media i...
Social Media Personality: What kind of DRIVER are you? What type of social media personality are you? Do you join in the fun? Or are you one of those that likes to sit on the sidelines and take it all in? Which answer best fits you below? Leave a comment and take the survey to see what others vo...
Social Media 101: 10 Tips to Be YOU! I usually have one ear in social media “listen” mode and the rest of my body in “execution”. In listening lately I have seen many people “trying to be somebody”. I even heard a speaker on a webinar state she helped people figure out their persona even if ...
Social Media Websites 101: 25 Tips to Get Started Right! To build a website or not build a website. Unbelievable that there are still businesses that are still having such discussions with themselves. This post is NOT intended to showcase a strategy for why you need to go online. For those fol...
Social Media Engagement: 12 Tips to Maximize Your Website for Social Media Websites, social media platforms, blogs. What to do with them? The worst thing you can do is throw them on the wall and hope it sticks! It is amazing how many people are putting their life into a business that they haven...
Keeping your website and blog visitors engaged is paramount to success. Below are my favorite WordPress plugins that help keep my web guests engaged, SEO rockin and the geek in me satisfied. Note there are many options when it comes to plug-ins, tools and gadgets. This is by no means an all i...