If you are unable to pay your mortgage there are several ways you may avoid foreclosure. Forbearance is a temporary agreement under which a mortgage lender can either reduce or suspend monthly installments paid by the borrower. Usually forbearance continues for a period of less than 6 months, bu
Given the unprecedented number of losses that mortgage lenders have recently suffered from mortgage failures, they are now more willing to accept short sales than ever before. For borrowers who owe more on their mortgage than their property is worth and are having trouble selling, this present
Real Estate Leasing Own Realty Group seminars are designed to educate, enlighten and empower students with useful information that they can immediately begin to use to their benefit. Some courses are designed for beginners with advanced courses available for more experienced professionals. Fo
Real Estate Selling Own Realty Group seminars are designed to educate, enlighten and empower students with useful information that they can immediately begin to use to their benefit. Some courses are designed for beginners with advanced courses available for more experienced professionals. F
Real Estate Buying Own Realty Group seminars are designed to educate, enlighten and empower students with useful information that they can immediately begin to use to their benefit. Some courses are designed for beginners with advanced courses available for more experienced professionals. For
Houston, Texas offers excellent investment opportunities for local and foreign investors with many single family and multi-family investment properties selling at 10 year low pricing. Are you a local or foreign real estate investor looking for single family and multi-family investment property?
Investors have historically turned to real estate investing to meet their financial goals. With so many options available, how do you choose the right one for you? How to Get Started A free consultation with a real estate investment professional can help you determine the types of real estate in
Own Realty Group combines full scale marketing and the power of the internet to sell your home quickly. Listing your home for sale is as easy as 1-2-3: Complete our simple online order form requesting to list your home. Check your email. You'll receive an email (usually within minutes) with s
If you're thinking of selling your home in the next year, this FREE service will help you find your home's current market value and a suggested listing price. Click here to get started If you need to sell, our team of experienced real estate professionals can implement an effective sales & marke
Are you a looking for a nice single family home to rent for you and your family? Our team of real estate professionals can help you find the right home or property and negotiate a price and terms for your specific real estate needs. Finding property is as easy as 1-2-3. Simply complete