I had previously wrote about what a Dex washttps://activerain.com/blogsview/5754260/so-what-is-decentralized-exchanges--dexI wanted to follow up now with the basic Decentralized Finance.You might of heard the term but wondered what it was exactly.The quickest to the point answer would be the remo
You might of heard someone say Satoshi and wondered what it was. Normally people say the full name of the unknown creator of the bitcoin whitepaper so if you hear Satoshi its most likely a unit of measurement of bitcoin like a penny but as a ratio of 0.00000001 BTC instead of .01 for a penny.Thi
I think personally that Elon Musk is a great salesman and does come up with some creative ideas from time to time along with other great minds that he is wise enough to hire. I dont think he ever intended to buy Twitter, I think he took a stock portion and wanted to get a return on his stock purc
There is a small chance that you havent heard that FTX is no longer. The second largest crypto exchange in the matter of a week went from stating that they were a profitable business https://fortune.com/2022/08/01/ftx-crypto-sam-bankman-fried-interview to no longer allowing deposit's and filing
I have shied away from mentioning other blogs on ActiveRain as I am not looking to pull any traffic away from AR to any other sites, I do find a decent amount of search engine power still behind the ActiveRain blog here and have posted over 3,000 blog post here myself. So I have put in the time a
I have since starting crypto research looked at many Medium articles if you havent tried them out they have some nice features with the layout of their blog and have many topics that are covered. I found many articles on what Blockchain was and what coins features are for projects along with NFTs
Directions: From I-10 take North Ferdon and turn onto Old Bethel Rd. Old Bethel, turn south on Ridge Lake road and then right onto Wildwood, go 1/4 mile Then left onto Wildwood Ct. It's at the end of the short cu Legal Description: BEG 1622.61 FT N & 826.42FT E OF SW COR NW1/4 N83 DEG E185 FT S