It’s April—a time of year when area homeowners who haven’t yet added their homes to theTustin listings may have a legitimate question about whether it’s too late to benefit from the springselling season. This year, they may also be concerned that the rise in mortgage interest rates coulddiscourag...
When it comes to the reality of pricing a home in Mission Viejo, it’s natural that buyer’s andseller’s points of view reflect their different roles and objective. In a way, they are mirror imagesof each another.From the seller’s point of view, pricing their Mission Viejo home starts out from the ...
Striving to become a prudent person is a laudable goal—one usually only achieved afterimpetuous youthful misadventures have taught the wisdom of prudence. Caution—particularly infinancial matters—may seem to be synonymous with prudence—but they aren’t always the samething. Especially when there a...
Tustin house sales do usually respond in the seasonal pattern that is familiar in most otherareas. Spring and summer lead the way for weather-related, financial, school scheduling and otherfamily-related reasons. From now into well past July (and sometimes even August), house salesactivity can be...
Lake Forest house buyers and sellers were not surprised in the least at last week’s FederalReserve decision to notch up the Fed Funds short-term rates. For once, anticipating the move hadbeen easy. The surrounding factors—the economy, employment, and consumer confidencemeasures—were all in unison...
The attachment we build to the places where we live is an easy-to-understand humanemotion. Almost everyone who has ever moved away from a family home has experienced a senseof loss that can be quite profound. But that’s only one of the emotional connections that come intoplay where real estate is...
If you go looking for new ideas to make a relocation to or from Lake Forest easier, it’s amazing how often the words “stress” and “relocation” appear in the same paragraph. The most universally agreed-upon method is to separate the two by hiring relocation professionals—not surprising since many...
Keeping an eye on Tustin mortgage rates is a useful pastime for anyone who tracks local home sales because of the immediate effect they have on affordability. It can’t get much more immediate than the “projected monthly payment” numbers that calculators come up with alongside an online listing. ...
It turns out that the run of admirable national and Mission Viejo home sales advances have been pulled off despite a couple of strong countercurrents. At least that’s the theme that emerges from last month’s Aspiring Home Buyers Profile report, which supplied one obvious and one not-so-obvious wi...
Today’s Tustin listings represent a gigantic leap forward in terms of market efficiency. It’shard to imagine a speedier and more convenient way for prospective home buyers to examine thearray of Tustin properties currently being offered. For the sellers, too, the Tustin listings provide amatchles...