I hope this real estate video works...hope the lighting is costs a lot... where does it go?...who is seeing it? does this really work?...all great questions to ask before you dive into RE video.(clipart courtesy of offers up a late serving of turkey with ...
                                                                                                                                                                         TOP 12 REAL ESTATE PREDICTIONS FOR 2008: Here they are, for better and best results shake crystal ball until snow thaws:1.) Goog...
             We all know about home, family and what they mean. Click here to donate to the American Red CrossAnd, let's hold them close in our thoughts and prayers - the victims, the firefighters and their families.This is what we don't want to have happen to any of us.But it does, and that is w...
                                                          ...or wannabebloggers! I am working on a blogger meet-up - date in November to be determined - -location likely to be in Ft. Atkinson, between Madison and Milwaukee; -anyone who is currently blogging or wants to learn about blogging. Blogg...
                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Free Cash Cow from istockphotodotcom) ...Remax is arguably one of the largest real estate concerns in ...
                                                   Sellers hate them! Buyers like them even less... So, why do bad real estate pictures end up on the web when they drive sellers to the brink of hysteria and buyers to nausea, and onto the next mediocre batch of images? Why are there are millions o...
                                                                                                      no-brainers and great ideas to share with everyone-pass them along!Anyway, on with the Monday Mashup:REAL ESTATE IS STILL KING:Nice little piece from the Birmingham Business Jou...
                                                          Just a little Friday Fun:                           Click Here to see Google Rank the favorite snack food of Realtors!                                                         Take a bite and pass it on!                                     ...

Obeoman Glade Jones

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