David Obbee's (obbee) Blog

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I try to pack my lunch at least a couple days each week.  I like to get out for a bit during the day for fresh air and a change of pace, but I also figure to save a few bucks and eat healthier.  Plus, I get some extra time in at the office on those days I dine at my desk. As far as groceries to m...
After my daughters went to bed last night, my wife and I watched "American Idol."  It's a guilty pleasure, I suppose- certainly it's not something I talk about at work the same way I discuss NFL games.  But I really do enjoy it.  I like seeing the kids from all over the country come from obscurit...
I read an article today from General Motors' Tech Center News entitled "Robot Has Elementary Human Abilities."  Headlines like that always catch my eye because I'm something of a science fiction buff- I immediately thought of Iasaac Asimov when I saw the paper, with its picture of GM's "Robonaut ...
Because I'm married with kids, I don't get out much (if ever) during the week, and my weekends are usually spent with my family (which is wonderful- I'm not complaining!), so what I find is that I use lunches during the work-week a lot to meet up with friends. Today I am having lunch with a forme...
My wife and I took our puggle for a walk this morning, as we often do on the weekends.  The puggle loves it- checking out the trees and fire hydrants in the area is his version of signing into "Facebook", and he happily leaves comments to the "status updates" from the other neighborhood dogs. We ...
If the never-ending jewelry store and flower commercials on tv and radio haven't alerted you, this Sunday is Valentine's Day!  Instead of giving presents, my wife and I like to celebrate by treating ourselves to a fancy dinner and a night out on the town (a sadly rare event, with two children at ...
I am in a mentoring program at a local high school.  Every couple of weeks, I meet with three students to discuss study strategies, short- and long-term goals and career plans.  In my group, one student wants to be an accountant, one a computer-game designer and the other a forensic scientist.  N...
At my home, we are big fans of the show "Jeopardy!"  I am a huge trivia junkie, and enjoy matching my memory against the contestants.  My kids like to watch it also, even though they're too young to answer most of the questions (or, I should say, question most of the answers).  Part of the reason...
There's so much snow falling around the country this week!  It's been interesting to talk with salespersons regarding their opinions on the weather and what it means to their business.  Mainly, they seem to fall into two camps: The first camp states something to the effect that technology has mad...
Yesterday I was running a few errands prior to the Superbowl, and I stopped in at a coffee shop to grab a quick hit of caffeine before the game.  I was waiting in line with another fellow about my age, so I asked him who he thought was going to win.  He replied that he didn't even know who was pl...

David Obbee

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