Placentia Homes: This home is priced to sell! $349,990 3 Massive Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, over 1,700 square feet. This home is in need of some cosmetic work but for this price, it is well worth it. Wide open floor plan, great size rear yard, awesome community. Nic Petrossi, your Placentia Re
Just reduced price to $449,990 to $479,990. This home is immaculate, turnkey, and awesome. In Gated Granada Park in Placentia. Granada Park homes are S&S Construction and were built to last. 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 1,886 square feet with newly remodeled master bathroom, scraped ceilings, new
Placentia foreclosures, Placentia bank owned, Placentia reo, Placentia repo list as of March 12, 2009. Call Nic Petrossi with Prudential for info on these properties or to access any of these Placentia Homes. Nic Petrossi (714) 272-3646 cell Thu, Mar 12,
Below is a free list of all foreclosures as of 3/12/2009. Call Nic Petrossi (714) 272-3646 with Prudential for questions or access to these properties. Visit Thu, Mar 12, 2009 09:35 AM RES MLS # Status P V H T Q Type A/D Address City Area Zip TGNO Trct/M Bd B t/f Sty Gar SqFt
Bel Maison Builder is Saddleback Pacific Homes. Bel Maison Year Built is 2003. Bel Maison # of Units is 102. Bel Maison Tract # is 15312. Bel Maison Floor Plans: Plan One 4 Beds, 3 Baths, 2,698 sf, 2 Car Garage Plan Two 5 Beds, 3 Baths, 2,628 sf, 3 Car Garage Plan Three 5 Beds, 4 Baths, 2,90
Contact Nic Petrossi with Prudential CA Realty in Brea to talk about any of these properties and/or to schedule an appointment to view any of these homes. Nic Petrossi (714) 272-3646 Click here for my website ---------> CLICK HERE Complete list below of all Yorba Lind
Below is a list of Yorba Linda Homes by Yorba Linda Real Estate Agent / Realtor Nic Petrossi in the $500,000 to $600,000 range as of February 19, 2009. Call NIC PETROSSI with Prudential for questions, access to properties or more information. (714) 272-3646 Direct www
Below is a list of 92886 Yorba Linda Homes $500,000 to $600,000 as of February 19, 2009. Call NIC PETROSSI with Prudential CA Realty for more info, questions, access to properties. Nic Petrossi (714) 272-3646 Email: Website: NIC can connect y
Below is a list of 92886 Yorba Linda Homes $400,000 to $500,000 as of February 18, 2009. Call NIC PETROSSI with Prudential CA Realty for more info, questions, access to properties. Nic Petrossi (714) 272-3646 Email: Website: NIC can connect y
Below is a list of Yorba Linda Homes in the 92886 zip code from $300,000 to $400,000 as of 2/18/2009. Call NIC PETROSSI with Prudential CA Realty for more info, questions, etc. (714) 272-3646 Direct Email: NIC can also refer you to an excellent loan broker to take care of