Note Queen: Owner Financing Strategies

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Real Estate Broker/Owner - Dawn Rickabaugh (Note Queen) Owner Financing Consultant
Dawn Rickabaugh is passionate about liberating and empowering people. She loves teaching sellers and other brokers how to create winning transactions through intelligent use of the Installment Sale, the Title Holding (Land) Trust, and other powerful strategies. These are also great tools for deferring capital gains without a 1031 exchange.
In Q1 2010, Fannie, Freddie and FHA backed 96.5% of all home loans . . . government backed loans are expected to decrease by 17.2%, because even taxpayers can’t be soaked to stop losses forever. The government is having a hard time stopping the bleeding: Alt-A - 12.84% delinquency rate Interest O...
Watch CBS News Videos Online This is a very well-written post by Tim and Julie Harris.  I read every line and watched every video.  I’m not surprised by any of it . . . go read it when you have a second. Don’t get freaked out, just be prepared and stabilize yourself mentally.  There’s a lot of o...
A coaching client of mine, Brian Gibbons, turned me onto an article in USA Today that I hadn’t seen when it first came out: Upscale Home Sales Lag as Jumbo Loans are Hard to Get The Title Holding (Land) Trust is really saving these desperate sellers (and buyers!)  Recently we put together a deal ...
Just wanted to let you know that instead of the usual FAQ call this Thursday (April 1st), I’m going to be doing a class on buying with owner financing, and how the note business can fit into the equation. To register for the call, send an email to: I’ve be...
Just a few days ago, I had another note broker (who has been a hard money lender for years) call me with a note that wasn’t secured by real estate . . . it was secured by a dental practice. “Can you do anything with a note that’s not secured by real property?” The answer is, “Maybe.” With the lac...
Sheesh… annoyingly long title.  Wonder what Google thinks about it This is my first ever trade show, and it's a CYBER trade show… it’s quite an interesting concept, and I didn’t know about such a thing until Bill Exeter turned me onto it earlier this year. Weird, huh? Let’s see if we can get some...
This effort needs all Realtors, REIA members, CREI, Exchangors, private note investors, and note finders/brokers to contribute their articulate reasoning about why the proposed rules regarding seller-financing and loan-origination licensing related thereto is unsound legislation. OK . . . we have...
You need to act now.  It’s an unfathomable attack on personal property rights, and will literally shut down entire sections of the real estate market . . . like we need that. The government is poised to restrict our rights and damage an already injured economy, all in the name of ‘protecting’ us....
Hey, you might want to listen in on this call tomorrow . . . I highly respect and admire both Bill’s knowledge and integrity, so I’m really pleased that he’ll let me interview him about this very important topic. With the economy the way it is, and the government policies coming down the pipeline...

Dawn Rickabaugh

Note Queen
local_phone(626) 470-3477
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Note Queen Capital buys seller financed notes across the country, showing sellers how to get cash even when they carry. Owner Financing gets sellers top dollar for their property. We make sure they get top dollar for their paper.