It’s that time of year when we all gather to express our appreciation for all of the wonderful things we have in our lives. With that in mind, I would like to take this moment to thank you for all of the opportunities you have shared with me over time, and for your continued support with refer...
Realtors(R) get a really bad reputation. Most of the time I think people assume we get into real estate because frankly, we couldn’t do anything else (or do it well, anyway). Honestly…isn’t almost every industry out there like that? How hard is it to find a GOOD CPA? How about a doctor who is go...
So you want to live near Clarendon in a condo, huh? Well here are your immediate options for condos in Clarendon: 1. 1021 Clarendon 2. Station Square 3. The Hartford 4. The Phoenix These buildings are 1-3 blocks from the metro, and are the most centrally located. The Hartford is the only buildi...
Contract time! Whenever I have someone considering buying a place, I always offer to meet them for coffee to go over the process from start to finish, and the details necessary to the process of buying and/or selling real estate. A very important part of the buying process right now is the appr...
The owners of Liberty Tavern are at it again. Construction is currently going on in anticipation of the grand opening of Lyon Hall, a new restaurant coming to Clarendon in February 2010. The restaurant will be located on the ground floor of the commercial building of the Phoenix Condo at 3100 W...
Time to bring out my statistician side again! Here’s the breakdown for Arlington County real estate sales in October 2009, for both North (22201,22203,22205,22207,22209,22213) and South Arlington (22202,22204,22206). Total Arlington Sales: 221 North Arlington Sales: 140South Arlington Sales: 81...
The market in Arlington, VA 22201 is moving QUICKLY. Check out these stats: Total Sales: 40Sold in less than 30 days: 26 (65%)Sold between 31 – 60 days: 4 (10%)Sold between 61 – 90 days: 3 (7.5%)Sold in over 91 days: 7 (17.5%) Shows you the importance of pricing the property correctly. Research ...
Enacted on November 7, 2009 – the $8,000 tax credit has been extended and expanded, and has added an additional $6,500 tax-credit for “move-up buyers.” Below is a synopsis of the new regulations: First-Time Buyers $8,000 Tax Credit Must not have owned a principal residence for any part of the pa...
A recent article in the Washington Post says that Loudoun County, Virginia has the highest concentration of 25 – 34 year olds with an annual income exceeding $100,000. The article also says that these 20-3o somethings, spend weekends at the local Virginia wineries. I decided to test this articl...
Day after Day, as new condo buildings are being built in the Washington D.C. Metro area and nearby Arlington, VA, I read new descriptions that say “cozy boutique condo building.” But what does a “boutique condo building” really mean? Here’s my personal (i.e. others may have other viewpoints) def...