tinybuddha.com Have you ever noticed that many times the biggest act of courage is actually a small one? Sometimes is just to say how much you care for someone, sometimes to say 'I'm sorry, I was wrong', sometimes just acknowledge our own weaknesses. Sometimes is just standing up for our convic
“The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it.” -W.M. Lewis tinybuddha.com If you could do anything you want to do today, what would you do? Why exactly can’t you do it? If it’s not a smart risk–it could seriously hurt you or someone else–by all means ig
tinybuddha.com "Let it never be forgotten that glamour is not greatness;applause is not fame; noise Is not influence; prominence is not eminence; the man or woman of the hour is not apt to be the man or woman of the ages. A stone may sparkle, but that does not make it a diamond; a man or woman ma
How easy it is for us to draw out criticism towards others...to point what they lack or what they have done...then a completely double standards comes into place when we make the same mistakes, chose to take the same actions or walk limply on their shoes...we are quick then to justify our reasons
"When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others." -Peace Pilgrim tinybuddha.com We often think it's the other way around-that if people around us were more peaceful, less obnoxious, more receptive, more polite, more friendly, less judgemental.
tinybuddha.com Funny that many times in life we spend time over time looking for the things and people in life that will make us happy... only forgetting that the simplest things are the ones that makes us the happiest of all... Today, after a busy day on appointments, dealing with timperatures o
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” -Albert Einstein tinybuddha.com Most of our problems in life come from our decision to label things as 'problems'. It’s the type of thinking that keeps us stuck, feeling victimized and out of control. Blaming othe
tinybuddha.com No matter where you are now in the pursuit of your dreams, know that people who've done what you'd like to do started right where you stand. You have limitless power to create the future you visualize if you're willing to dream, plan, and work. Don't worry about what you don't know
tinybuddha.com Try and stop to think twice before you speak. Your words are your bond and if they don't mean what you say there is nothing else worth about you...be careful with what comes out of your mouth. Never make promises you can't or have no intend to fulfill. Once you destroy the trust so
tinybuddha.com There are a lot of things we can't control in life-dramas that will unfold around us, circumstances that will seem overwhelming, fires that appear impossible to put out. We can't ever stay on top of everything, but it gets a lot easier if we remember to breathe and take it all one