Nicole Kraus's (nikkisells) Blog

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Real Estate Agent - Signature Realty Associates
After months of spinning my wheels trying to get a deal done, the seller filed for bankrupcty...what she and her attorney did not know, but my title company did is the following:   FL Statue 522(F) states the following: Judgments that are certified and recorded prior to the bankruptcy "survive th...
Hi Everyone!  Yes I am sitting here blogging on my birthday.  So I thought to myself, hmmm....I have been trying to increase my points to regain my former ranking and was wondering if my AR community would help.  I know it is a bit lame, I don't even really celebrate my birthday, but thought this...
I keep getting bumped out of the anyone out there having the same problem?  To boot I just tried to comment on a blog and after finally refreshing it had posted my comment five times.  That is embarrassing.  Needless to say I deleted them, but I am sure the author got five emails of m...
I am sitting here stewing about a listing that I have almost had for a year.  It is a short sale that I priced as high (I did this to show the bank that I did everything possible to get the highest price) as I could go and then did the appropriate price reductions.  When I got to the right price...
When I came across this I thought it was to cute not to you ever find yourself doing this in your home office or even at work????  Needless to say I have done it on many occassions, but did not look so cute doing it as this little guy.  Have a Wonderful Weekend All!
I have not been active on AR for quite some time, due to safety issues.  Needless to say, I am back and am wanting to get back my ranking and get my life going once again without the interference of a very bad person.  As I have been busy commenting on blogs I have noticed that many people out th...
Could not help myself with this image....if it would work I would use it and go back......I wonder what happended to the days when we as agents only charged a minimal MLS fee or better yet none at all.  It makes me sad, when I go onto the MLS and see fees that are over $300.00 and have actually ...
In these hard economic times, interest rates being low (especially on savings accounts).  Is it smart to pay off your mortgage if you have the money in the bank?  That is my question to the AR community....I am not a financial adviseror and someoneposed this question to me.  Needless to say I was...
Just a short note to say a BIG THANK YOU TO ONE OF OUR OWN!!! Shelly Bookwalter is a REALTOR in Olive Branch Mississippi who does animal rescue of stray, and forgotten dogs.  She is an inspiration that we as REALTORS can make a difference in this world.  She currently has a show that is aired on ...
I wanted to post a short blog about an experience I had recently.  With so many homes going into foreclosure and people out there with not such great credit I am seeing a new type of investor/predator.  They claim to buy bank owned homes (often through a third party that deals directly with the b...

Nicole Kraus

local_phone(813) 657-7653
smartphone(813) 476-4786
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