Main Line and Chester County sellers looking to sell their homes are finding that professional photography sells their homes faster. As I was preparing to write this post, I wanted to use some non-professional photos, but I have been using a professional photographer for so long I actually could
Overpricing your home can result in it not selling! Then you need to keep reducing the price and you end up in a spiral following the market down.For many years it has been a strong sellers market, with low interest rates and strong demand, sellers have seen multiple offers over asking. But while
When you buy a home it is common to make a deposit with your offer. This is called an earnest money deposit and it shows the sellers you are serious about buying their home.The amount varies by locality, in our area there are often two deposits, one with the agreement of sale, the offer, and a se
As I have mentioned before, one of the reasons I work hard is to enjoy the ability to travel. Annie is a planner and we booked this trip a long time ago to Peru. I never wanted to visit South America, but this is my second trip, the former was to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands and this one was
There are many things to consider when buying a home and deciding on your "Must Haves and Deal Breakers". But before you consider these it is important to consider where you want to live and this post is going to consider why that is important.Most buyers have their list and they know in the curr
Pricing a home for sale is a science and an art.Finding the right price for a home when listing it is important, overprice it and you may not get any showings. It is very true, buyers look at homes online first and most buyers are savvy enough to know when a home is overpriced as in this low inve
Did you know a well staged home can sell faster and for more money? Here's how to make your home irresistible to buyers!Staging a home for sale is not about creating a theatre set, but to allow the buyers to see themselves living in the home. If there is too much personal clutter buyers cannot se
Curb appeal is that magic component when a buyer or anyone views your home and says to themselves that is cute, gorgeous, lovely or words similar. It is what that first impression generates in their mind and everything else flows from there. If it is a positive vibe then they will be more positiv
Many sellers are unaware of the process of selling a home completely as they do it just a few times in their lives with long times in between each sale. And things are not always the same depending on what state you live in. I wrote a post about appraisals from the buyer's perspective and you can
I had the opportunity today to sit down with Mike Storti of Foxtrot Mortgage, we discussed interest rates, buyer assistance programs, and Second Look, a program Foxtrot has been running for a couple of years where they will check the rates and fees being offered to a buyer to make sure they are t