Nick Benavides's (nickbenavides) Blog

Real Estate Agent - Gateway REO Properties
Hi There, I am curious what the community thinks about this. I have heard some say it is unethical, and some simply do not care. It seems that there are some members out there who do not write their own blogs. Blogs are being written by unlicensed assistants usually making $10-12 per hour. What i...
Ok so I live in a fairly good neighborhood. There are not very many REO's in my immieadiate area. In Febuary of this year my next door neighbors grass started to die and I noticed they were never home. Being one of the top REO agents in my area it was very clear what was going on here. SO ! I cal...
With home prices at early 2000 prices and rental properties being scarce now is the time to retire with Real Estate.   Being a landlord is no longer for the rich only. If you have $100,000 in the bank you will be lucky to earn about $800 a year in interest. With the right moves you can buy 2 smal...
        I'm sure some of you have heard of these new companies popping up who seem to be a sort of "Short Sale Outsourcer"... Is it true will banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America eventually start assigning short sales to qualified agents just as they do with REO's ?           Well the answe...

Nick Benavides

smartphone(909) 731-5228
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