Last year, a national survey revealed at least one (1) in ten (10) homeowners or 7.4 million would choose to walk away from their mortgage obligations upon discovering their home is worth less compared to the amount of mortgage owed. Such decision is actually referred to as strategic default. In...
Owning a home is considered to be a part of the American Dream. Attaining it is something which you will be really proud of. Unfortunately, unexpected problems arise and you are faced with the possibility of losing your home to foreclosure due to mortgage default. The only good thing about facin...
Deciding to stop foreclosure Florida by selling your home is actually the easy part. The actual selling will be more challenging especially if you consider the large inventory of distressed homes for sale in the market. Of course, it is only understandable you would want to handle the selling or...
For many Lee County homeowners, the nightmare of having your home repossessed or foreclosed by your lender due to mortgage default is not over. A lot of lenders are actually exercising their right to go after the difference between the fair value of the property when it was sold in the foreclosu...
When a homeowner discovers he is unable to pay his mortgage obligations, the worst thing he or she can do is to sit around and wait for a miracle. It is important for you to be pro-active and look for a way to stop the bank from initiating foreclosure proceedings, unless you want your financial ...
Because of the tough times, there are indeed homeowners who find themselves with a mortgage they can no longer afford to pay. What makes an already sad situation even sadder is the declining value of their homes. For some, a foreclosure looks inevitable but for others, there is a Florida short s...
A foreclosure is not something a typical person would prepare for. After all, no one would like to think such an unfortunate situation will happen to them. Nevertheless, it is important for homeowners to understand they are not immune from such things. Instances of medical emergency, divorce or ...
For many homeowners, the thought of living in a home whose value has declined is indeed frustrating. If you add a huge mortgage balance, you get a situation wherein the owner starts considering a strategic default. Experts on this subject have argued that such an option is actually a business de...
It is a fact there are plenty of homeowners with underwater mortgages who are trying their best to stop foreclosure with a Florida short sale. Their decision to go with a short sale is actually a smart one since the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. Since one of the key components of a short ...
For most homeowners, the dust created by the mortgage meltdown is just settling. Literally millions of homes were lost to foreclosure and millions more are currently on the fence. If you do not act now and stop foreclosure in Palm Beach Florida then you might find yourself among these unfortunat...