Room-by-Room Analysis The Front Entry: Whether a gracious proportional center-hall or a small space just large enough for a coat rack and a tiny table, this part of your home deserves your particular attention. 42. Study your entry hall and ask yourself what kind of impression it makes of your h
Just yesterday evening I spoke with someone who has been trying to sell her home for the past six months. She told me she thinks her house needs some fixing up so that it shows better to the buyers who come to see it. While I haven't seen her house personally, she has hit on a huge issue among
Judy Crockett is a StarPower Star with the Howard Brinton network. She teaches that we should figure our average commission earned on a transaction and actually write a mock check for that amount and keep it in our car, on our bathroom mirror and anywhere we'll see it as a reminder of what exact
It's been nearly eleven years for me in real estate. I've had my share of tough transactions and lots of great ones too. I CAN say that I've learned something from each and every one. I'm sure all of you can relate. I thought I'd revisit some of the more challenging ones over the years so hop
Several weeks ago, while showing a few "Fixer-Uppers" ("Burn-it-Downers?"), I stumbled across an ingenious solution to the problem of vacant houses showing poorly. We all know how it's just so hard to present a home as warm and inviting when no one is living there. Well, these sellers came up w
It's been nearly eleven years for me in real estate. I've had my share of tough transactions and lots of great ones too. I CAN say that I've learned something from each and every one. I'm sure all of you can relate. I thought I'd revisit some of the more challenging ones over the years so hop
It's been nearly eleven years for me in real estate. I've had my share of tough transactions and lots of great ones too. I CAN say that I've learned something from each and every one. I'm sure all of you can relate. I thought I'd revisit some of the more challenging ones over the
Just thought some folks would enjoy this Cinderella Ending to the example from my post entitled "Take back our industry...Choose to work with clients who will listen to your advice... " This update is regarding the mixed race couple I talked about who felt uncomfortable at the comments a seller m
I've been telling myself that I'm going to do a buyer seminar (or seller seminar, investor seminar, etc) for years, but have never taken the plunge. I'm sure it's one of those hit or miss methods that requires multiple attempts to provide any sort of return for your investment of time and effort
Several months ago, I read some posts about folks venturing into the world of video podcasting to promote their businesses. Who here has gone in depth on this? What applications have you used video podcasting for? (IE personal promotion video, property tours, instructional video for new hires l