Inspected a 2,900 sq ft house built in 1992 today in N. Raleigh - nice community! For more info on pricing for an inspection on this size house, see our site. House needed quite a bit of work. This was a maintenance inspection and I had nearly 70 items that needed attention (actually more but I g
My company, Clear Choice Home Inspections inspected a new home in Wake Forest NC today. New construction needs to be inspected and here is why: found 17 items that need to be corrected; bathtub overflow drains did not work - flood anyone?; house was missing caulk on the siding in a few places whe
House was built in 1991 and I am the home inspector out of Clayton NC who did the inspection. Knightdale NC is near Raleigh and my home inspection revealed a good deal of rotten wood. Brick moldings, fascia, lookout blocks, corner trim and siding were rotten. A few damaged shingles and some minor
It is really a shame when I am hired to do a home inspection in Raleigh or other cities here (Cary NC, Garner NC, Clayton NC) and find significant termite damage. My company, Clear Choice Home Inspections, looks for termite damage (and moisture damage, etc). The band joist and sill plate at the f
I inspected a house in Clayton NC today that was about 2,800 sq ft. Overall it was in pretty good shape. It did have one framing problem in the attic and my Johnston County NC inspection also reviled a series of non-filtered HVAC return ducts - this can cause inefficient operation and long-term d
I inspected a house just outside of Raleigh NC in Clayton NC the other day and wow was the crawl space wet! Condensation was dripping off the insulation and framing. If the seller paid to have a home inspection done prior to listing, the buyer would not be a little iffy about this house now. A ho
This is the busy season for buying and selling homes and with that comes home inspections in Raleigh NC and the surrounding areas. We've had pretty good rain thus far in 2008 and that is great for home inspections - easier to view areas for potential leaks (roof, under floor areas in crawl space,
Inspected a home in Raleigh NC last week. House was pretty clean but had the hardboard siding (Masonite Corp made some of this so most folks call it Masonite). The previous owners had maintained it well. The siding was solid everywhere. In contrast, if this type of siding is not maintained proper
Raleigh Home Inspection on Tuesday April 2008. Inspected a brand new house yesterday and the front foundation wall and soil were very damp. The grading at the front was done improperly and it had a front porch comprised of wooden planks. The porch was only covered about half way with a roof ab
Doing a Raleigh home inspection today in the rain. There are many advantages to doing a home inspection in the rain or after hard rains. This allows me to see active water penetration in the crawl space, roof leaks, site grading that might impact the structure, etc. Last years drought made some o