2008 turned out to be a banner year for me in Real Estate. I ended up number 4 on our MLS with almost 8 million in sales. I have a dear friend and every time I am arround her she talks about how bad the market is. That kind of mentality breeds bad results. Your perception becomes your real...
Yesterday on Fox and Friends they were talking about the perfect storm, the mix of low housing prices (in the opinion of their expert we have hit bottom) and low interest rates. I just spoke to a friend of mine that is in banking, he says in his entire career in banking almost 30 years he has...
Following is an article from Adrian Van Eck. He has been forecasting banking and real estate for over 40 years. In 40 years he has never been wrong in his forecast, early yes, wrong never. He is my reason for believing that the market is going to recover. Existing home sales are up 7.4% THIS ...
By now you've heard the news. Two days after the Senate approved The Rescue Bill, it was approved by the house and signed into Law by President Bush on Friday. Is this going to be the magic pill for our economic crisis? That is the trillion dollar question. Last week I had a client with Exce...
Drilling for OIL Back in June, there was an article in the News and Events section of Florida discussing Crist changing his stance on drilling for oil. The one thing that jumped out to me was Florida Democratic Party Spokesman Mark Bubriski, he said and I quote, "It would only incre...
Now that the cows are out of the barn, they are tightening up on mortgage brokers and making sure there are no criminals working as mortgage brokers. You would think after the Savings and Loan melt down of the 80's they would have thought to do this then instead of now. Don't they run the finge...
We probably should all keep the following article in mind. When we list properties where the sellers are in trouble and attempting to sale as a short sale or attempting to sale before it goes into foreclosure, I bet we are going to start seeing agents getting sued by sellers upset that their pro...
Amendment 5 Category: News and Politics 85 more days to get the news out. 5 Reasons To Vote YES for Amendment 5 Amendment 5 is a long overdue tax cut for all property owners: families, businesses, second homeowners and investors. Property tax levies have doubled over the past six years - ...
This morning while watching Fox News I saw where two congressmen were debating what the price per gallon should be before they decide to discuss seriously drilling for oil in this country. The one Congressman said $5.50 a gallon, I thought that was awful, they other said $10.00 a gallon. I t...
Early signs of an eventual recovery are starting to show up. Existing home sales have been hovering around 5 million for the past nine months. The inventory of completed new homes is finally declining, down 17,000 in the last four months, the fastest pace in over 20 years.The supply of all h...