I often say my greatest regret in life was missing Woodstock. However, during the time of that colossal event, I was busy raising kids, and that wasn't all bad. Coupled with my children's achievements, and those of my grandkids, I often feel I'm dwelling in the midst of a rock star existence.Toda
Yesterday was another really hot Sacramento day - Temp around 105 degrees.Some family members found their way to my home for a little "Us Time." We wanted simple faire, nothing fancy - Hot Dogs, Sausages, Potato Salad, Corn on the Cob, Coleslaw, Watermelon, Apple Pie, etc.However, Filet Mignon S
My grandkid, Macie, graduated from University of California Davis this morning. It took her just 3 years to get her degree in Cognitive Science, with a minor in Psychology. Not bad for a 20 year old. She's going to take a gap year, while applying to graduate schools. In the meantime, she's got a
On this special day of remembrance, I wish to take the opportunity to honor those who lost their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. I give thanks to the men and women who stood up against all odds so we may continue living our lives at home and in peace. While we are in our backyards or at th
Yesterday, and early this morning too, I spent time sorting old paper records that were stored in boxes for a number of years. My ole shredder was given a really serious workout.By end of it all, I realized there were many memories those ancient papers had invoked, It seemed I had shredded about
I take pictures for the purpose of remembering fond times. I do not impose copyright restrictions on this photo, so you may feel free to use, or distribute as you wish. However, should you need a Real Estate Professional in the Greater Sacramento area, I hope that you will contact me by email o
There are days when living life simply is richer than days experienced in luxury. For me, this is one of those days.I woke at 6:30 am, and by 7:10 am, lane 1 at the California Family Fitness Pool held my occupancy for the next 90 minutes. Weather in Sacramento today is expected to elevate to t
This time of year, I generally enjoy having lower energy costs. It’s because in springtime, temperatures are more temperate, and aren't excessively hot or cold. Still, I continually look for ways to save on heat and air costs. It’s a year round endeavor.Any real saving begins with systematically
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” ~Mark Twain I take pictures for the purpose of remembering
Those who know me, also know I have a fascination with pirates. I study them, I observe International Pirates Day each September 19th, and I’ve had pirate parties at my home. So, it should be no surprise when Netflix made available a 6 episode series titled, “The Lost Pirate Kingdom,” it got my a