Many parts of Alberta are experiencing what is known as a buyer's market, which in simple terms means that there are more properties available than there are buyers willing or able to purchase them. A seller in this type of market has their work cut out for them. They are faced with stiff competi
Energy efficiency is a topic that any smart homeowner should take an interest in. So, what's in if for a homeowner to increase their home's efficiency? A. Save $$ B. Save the planet C. Increased enjoyment and comfort D. Any combination of the three! While newer homes tend to be built with energy
Spring has sprung, the grass has ris, and here's how the state of the market is: Total # of Listings (Month) 615 (Up 54% from 2007)Total # of Listings (YTD) 2089 (Up 40% from 2007)Total # of Expired Listings (Month) 106 (Up 203% from 2007)Total # Expired Listings (YTD) 373 (Up 213% from 2007)Tota
Renovate vs. Move: What is the best choice for you? When deciding whether to renovate your home vs. move, you will want to consider the return on renovation investments. Here are some projects for which the Appraisal Institute of Canada’s members projected average payback value ranges. Top four
I attended a Coldwell Banker International Business Conference in March of 2007 in Las Vegas, NV and I remember the speaker in one of the presentations talking about the "soft market" and the "hard times" that many parts of the US real estate market were facing. I remember thinking "What is this
And the listing goes to .....the REALTOR® willing to put the highest price tag on the property?????? Time and time again I see the "honest, straight shooting" REALTOR® lose a listing to the guy who tells the homeowner that the home is worth far more than the current market will bear. As a listing