Lethbridge Real Estate - Liz's View

Real Estate Broker/Owner - MyLethbridgeRealty.com
Lethbridge Real Estate
My family had the pleasure of being interviewed by our local newspaper today in light of November being Diabetes Awareness Month. Our 14 month old daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in May, and they felt that we would be good spokespeople for the cause. It wasn't until after the intervie...
I often hear comments about why home sellers and buyers are frozen in their tracks right now. Here are some of the things I am hearing and my responses on why it might not all be true: Comment: It's not the time to buy.. prime rate is dropping and I will wait until it hits bottom. Response: If yo...
My apologies for getting this out so late... I keep hearing talk about this slowing real estate market but I've been swamped! With that said, on with the report! When comparing the September 2008 stats to those of August 2008, we again see a decline in the the number of new listings in Lethbridge...
August stats are in and it is noteworthy to point out that the total listings for the month (535) were down significantly when compared to the 670 homes in Lethbridge listed for sale last month. That's a 20% decrease in the amount of homes listed for sale. We can interpret from this that an incre...
The month of July proved to be very comparable to June with only minimal increases to the total# of listings (671 in July compared to 653 in June) and the total# of expired listings for the month (182 this month compared to 170 last month) The good news is that there was an increase in the total ...
I recently was working on a listing for a nice young couple from my former hometown. They had asked me if I would list their property after they had tried for several months to sell it privately. The catch was, they first wanted to wait to see if a private deal they had secured would come to frui...
Here's how the month of June stats looked: Total # of Listings (Month) - 653 (Up 30% from June 2007) Total # of Listings (YTD) - 3437 (Up 36% from 2007) Total # of Expired Listings (Month) - 170 (Up 240% from June 2007) Total # of Expired Listings (YTD) - 642 (Up 228% from 2007) Total # of Sales ...
Fierce and sassy, well equipped with confidence and a pay cheque to back it, single woman home buyers are taking the real estate world by storm. According to the most recent (2007)stats from the National Association of REALTORS®, single women accounted for 22% of all home purchases with single me...
Current market conditons should always be considered when trying to decide if it's the right time to buy or sell real esate. Here's how the month of May looked in Lethbridge: Total # of Listings (Month) - 696 (Up 33% from 2007) Total # of Listings (YTD) - 2784 (Up 38% from 2007) Total # of Expire...
If you are looking to purchase a home in Lethbridge, Alberta, take a peek at my Featured Listings. If you don't see a home here that suits your needs, take a minute to describe your needs and wants and I will have your ideal homes emailed to you daily as they are listed. If you're not quite sure ...

Liz Toles

Lethbridge Real Estate
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A candid and insightful blog about Lethbridge Real Estate. Features market reports, tips and advice for buyers, sellers and investors as well as great information for those who just like to be "in the know". A clear view of the current state of the Lethbridge Real Estate Market!