I've never been much for blogging. While some people jump right in and feel comfortable with it I never really felt comfortable or at ease with the process. This all gets even more confusing when you consider that each platform is different to use. So my solution was to do as little posting as po...
Side walk Repairs...I think that's a little out of my league. I'm a contractor and as such I wear many different hats or hard hats as the case may be. When I got a call to repair a side walk I really tried my hardest to get out of it. The thought of all that paperwork was daunting to say the leas...
I just have to do it...I can't wait anymore. This re-blog should be the one Ron needs to make it to 500,000. Congrats!!! My wife's been cheerleading for you so long I feel as if I know you. Sometime today (likely), I will finally achieve my goal two weeks early! And, YAY!.....that means no cred...
When I think about Minnesota crime isn't among the things that comes to mind. I was very surprised to read this post on Ron Marshall's blog. Comments disabled please leave your comment on Ron's post. Uh, oh. Someone has a big bill. “Two mortgage loan officers who carried out a scheme involvin...
Donna is just a few points away from her 500,000 point milestone. Won't you please help Donna reach her goal by visiting her post and leaving a comment. I Have 4 Writing Outlets, How 'Bout You? Since the 8th grade, I've wanted to be a published writer. I will continue to work toward that dream a...
I have 3 reasons for re-blogging this post. First: I can't get over Donna has posted over 1000 post. That's a lot of dedication to bloging. Second: I can completely relate to the subject matter. I hate to call or email potential clients because I'm not sure if I'm being too pushy . Third: I reall...
Super Bowl XLVII...What will you be doing? This has been a long hard week for us. With the prolonged cold temperatures come the emergency calls. We've had them all... frozen pipes, broken pipes, leaking pipes, no water at all and of course no heat. Working out doors in this weather is no fun at...
Why can't we learn to prepare properly? The local weather forecasters have been warning us about the impeding bad weather. They even ran a couple of news clips about heating system maintenance. So why can't we learn to prepare properly? I've received over 9 calls between yesterday and today from ...
It's no wonder I haven't gotten very far on the Rain or have I? My first post was back on December 30, 2008. To date I've only added 39 posts, 40 if I count this one. I've only made 290 comments and I haven't invited anyone to join the fun. It's no wonder I rank 222 in my state and 11 in my count...
Customer Service is once again knocking on my door! This was the last comment I post in the comments section of my previous post this afternoon before running out the door on a service call. At the time I didn't think it would be the title for my next post. The call this afternoon was a regular c...