LAUGH OF THE DAY: Putting Down The Dog... A man takes his dog to the vet. "My dog is cross-eyed, is there anything you can do for him?" "Let’s take a look at him," says the vet. So he picks the dog up and examines his eyes, then checks his teeth. Finally, he says, “I’m going to have to put him do
3 Costly Home Buying Mistakes in Arlington VA… Buying a home in Arlington, VA is not like picking out something at a dollar store. It can get pretty expensive. By remembering these three common (and costly) home buying mistakes in Arlington, VA, you can assure that you are getting the best deal
3 Common Mistakes Made When Selling A Home In Arlington VA... Summer is here and more and more “For Sale” signs are starting to pop up all throughout Arlington. So, what can you do to stay ahead of the competition? Sometimes it’s not all about what you do, but it’s about what you DO NOT do. Some
LAUGH OF THE DAY: Playing Jesus... A mother was preparing pancakes for her sons, Tyler and Johnny. The boys began to argue over who would get the first pancake. Their mother saw the opportunity to teach the kids a lesson. "If Jesus were sitting here today, He would say, 'Let my brother have the f
LAUGH OF THE DAY: Kittens That Go Cheap... Oh boy, this one is way up there on the cheesy list. My apologies! "Do you have any kittens that go cheap?" asked a little girl in the pet store. "No, dear,” replied the associate. "All of our kittens go 'Meow.'" This laugh courtesy of Mr. Arlington, you
LAUGH OF THE DAY: God Makes Us All... One day a little girl was sitting on her Grandfather's knee playing with gray mustache and patting his bald head. She asked, "Did God make me?" "Yes, my dear," her Grandfather replied. "Did God make you?” she asked. "Yes He did," he said. "Well He sure does a
LAUGH OF THE DAY: Policeman's Uniform... This one may just take the prize for cheesiness... A townie asks a man in uniform, "Are you a policeman?" "No, I am an undercover detective." "So why are you in uniform?" "Today is my day off." This laugh courtesy of Mr. Arlington, your source for Arlingto
LAUGH OF THE DAY: A Heart Transplant... A man needing a heart transplant is told by his doctor that the only heart available is a sheep's heart. The man agrees and the doctor transplants the sheep heart into the man. A few days after the operation, the man comes in for a checkup. The doctor asks
1 Bedroom 1 Bath Washington DC Condo - Close to Foggy Bottom, K Street, Georgetown, Dupont Circle - 2501 K Street NW #5A, Washington, DC 20037 - DC7599361 2501 K Street NW #5A, Washington, DC 20037 - DC7599361 - $419,500 This 1 bedroom 1 bath Washington DC condo features a remodeled kitchen with
LAUGH OF THE DAY: Playing Doctor... A kindergarden-aged girl told her mom after school one day, "A boy in my class asked me to play doctor." "Oh, no," the mother said. "What happened, sweetie?" "Nothing, he made me wait an hour and then double-billed the insurance company." This laugh courtesy of