Michael Pinter's Reverse Mortgage Blog

Mortgage and Lending - First Meridian Mortgage
Everything you ever wanted to know about Reverse Mortgages.
There's been a lot of talk about "fixing" the economy. You hear it from the press, form Congress and of course from our new President. Here's the problem: You can't fix the economy. It has to fix itself. Our economy (and every other capitalist democracy) is cyclical by nature. It has its ups and ...
Here is an article from the WSJ last Thursday: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123264214889606533.html It starts off okay, saying that demand for Reverse Mortgages is up. However, it takes a nasty turn for the worse when Bronwyn Belling, a "reverse mortgage specialist for the AARP" "warns that th...
Two new things surfaced yesterday in the Reverse Mortgage World.  The first is that Financial Freedom is starting a "Consumer Safeguard" program where someone from FF will call borrowers to verify that they know about the loan and make sure they understand what is going on. Unfortunately, some of...
 I've been ranting for many months  about how teh housing market needas  alot more time than most "experts" are giving it. Watch this clip and you'll see that I'm not the only one that thinks that housing can't start its comeback until 2010 or 2011.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0Rb51xxV_M  
I guess I shouldn't be suprised that Reuters UK came out with a slanted piece about Reverse Mortgages, but here is great example of the press that RM's have been getting for years. http://uk.reuters.com/article/bankingfinancial-SP/idUKN0854107720090108 It starts off okay, but then the tone change...
Here is the link: http://www.pbs.org/nbr/info/local-player.html?s=nbre07s1bb7q4c4 It's a 26 minute clip, but the Reverse Mortgage part is only three minutes long and starts at 18:45 and ends at 21:45. After it loads and buffers you can just drag the line to start it at 18:45. This is the kind of ...
As many of you already know, I' m not too optimistic about the overall economy and housing market this year or next. However, in any economic environment, many people will still thrive. My wish for the new year is that more people will disciover the beauty of Reverse Mortgages to help themselves ...
The twelfth Reverse mortagge benefit is probably the most important. It is the peace of mind that only a Reverse Mortgage can bring. A Reverse Mortgage is the only loan that guarantees that you can stay in your home for as long as you want to. There is just nothing else that can do this. I have s...
WOW! This is primarily a Reverse Mortgage Blog, but I received so many comments about this topic that I felt I had to post about it again. First, Thank you to teh many, many peopel who commented about this topic in agreement. It seems thata vast majority of teh readers agree with me that People's...
I have posted about this issue before and I have gotten many comments telling me I'm crazy. I've been in the mortgage business for over twelve years and I can honestly say that rates have had a very small impact on people's decision of whether or not they should buy a home. The biggest factors I ...

Michael Pinter

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Everything you ever wanted to know about Reverse Mortgages.