FHA insured mortgages serve a sector of the market that is not necessarily being met by other loan programs.Securing an 80% conventional mortgage that doesn’t require mortgage insurance may be the lowest cost of financing but if the buyer doesn’t have 20% down payment, it isn’t really an option.
The last thing you want if you’re traveling these holidays is to worry about someone burglarizing your home. Use this check list to add some peace of mind while you’re out of town. Ask a trusted friend - to pick up mail, newspaper and keep yard picked up to avoid an appearance of being empty. Co
In 2007, Congress passed an energy act that required new energy-efficient standards for basic light bulbs. Standard incandescent bulbs are being phased out and eventually will be unavailable. The alternative bulbs differ considerably in price. LED bulbs are the most efficient but they also cost
Up-front Points to Lower the RateWhen loans are quoted by lenders, most buyers pay attention to the interest rate but not so much to the points that may be charged along with the rate.A point is one-percent of the mortgage amount and considered pre-paid interest that affects the yield on the loan
The Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Act, originally passed in 2007, was extended three times to protect homeowners from paying income tax on debt that was relieved due to foreclosure, short sales or deed in lieu of foreclosure. The law expired on December 31, 2016 and unless it is extended again, home
Would someone really refinance their home and not take money out of it? Certainly, if they could get a lower rate, build equity faster and pay off the home sooner.For people with extra cash available, this can be very attractive compared to the low savings rates being paid by banks.In the example