Well after all the negative press that the economy, both from a worldwide and a national perspective has received, it appears that Canadian Financial Institutions are still viewed as leaders amongst the industry and in a very strong position for rebound. This article, from Globe & Mail on Saturda...
If you happen to hold an unsecure line of credit with a Canadian financial institution, you may be receiving some troublesome news - payments and interest could be on the rise. This increase is not due to the Bank of Canada raising the Prime rate however. Several of the major financial institutio...
According to, Bank of Canada is preparing to decrease its key interest rate this week in order to provide stimulus to the economy. With unemployment on the rise and inflation quickly diminishing, economists widely expect the Bank of Canada to cut its key rate by half a percentage...
Interesting news today that the Harper government has been floating the idea of a tax credit for home renovations. The thinking is this type of incentive could provide a significant stimulus for Canada's floundering residential construction industry. The idea also could serve as a significant boo...
Why use a Mortgage Broker? •· Power of professional negotiating expertise. •· One stop convenience for access to numerous mortgage products. •· Unbiased knowledgeable advice. •· Access to unadvertised rates. •· Work for you, not the Bank. What is the Homebuyers Plan? •· Home Buyers Pl...
So after posting my blog yesterday talking about how I had just created my own neighborhood Face book page, I go and forget to post the link. You can trust me when I say that it wasn't for suspense or 'hyping' purposes. I guess in all my haste to post about my new creation I forgot the most impor...
I took some time today to take some advice from a fellow Activerainer today and created a Facebook group for my community (Copperwood - Lethbridge). This is a very good idea in order to create a network of locals from the same community to discuss neighbourhood news and events, get to know our ne...
Today I received an email out of the blue from a client that I helped with a mortgage in the early summer. The email was simply to thank me for the job that I did for her and her boyfriend when they purchased a home in order to relocate to a new city. It sure was a good feeling to know that I was...
Just wanted to take a few minutes to wish everyone a very safe, happy and prosperous new year! 2009 is going to be a great year! All the best gang!! My resolution is to update my blog a lot more often this year!! Cheers
Thoughts and prayers to friends and family members of the eight victims of the Avalanche near my hometown of Fernie B.C.. Due to the relatively small population of Fernie and Sparwood, these men were known throughout the valley. Several of my friends and their families have been directly affected...