If you are currently finding yourself late or behind on your monthly payments you are not alone. However, it is important for you to know that your late payments can and will affect your credit score. If you are concerned about your credit, the following is a list of factors that are critical in
Both Dinosaurs and no doc loans are extinct. Pretty soon there will be an exhibit at the Smithsonian with a no doc loan under glass. Future generations will be astounded by the few pieces of paper that once qualified as loan documentation. A few of years ago you could be approved for a loan with
Should You Consider a Short Sale? Facing foreclosure is not only stressful, it can be embarrassing and humiliating too. By choosing to utilize the short sale you can avoid the public notice of foreclosure and the public sale of your property at the courthouse. The short sale will give you the opp
The information below provided by Realtor Magazine could save you some money on your homeowner's insurance this coming year. With the economy the way that it is, it is important to find prudent ways to save money. Tips for Lowering Homeowner’s Insurance Costs 1. Review the Comprehensive Loss U
Are you interested in selling your single family home in vistas at Woodcliffe or Hoyles Mill Village? I am currently working with a very well qualified home purchaser seeking to purchase a home in the Visas at Woodcliffe or Hoyles Mill Village. I have shown them everything currently available, b
This post was highlighted by professional sales trainer and author of the book series, Selling with Soul , Jennifer Alan, in her latest training seminar. If you are like I was at one time, then you get nervous thinking about your appointment days before. For whatever reasons the butterflies sho
I read an article in the Washington Post today that really is an eye opener. For anybody thinking of buying a home today this should serve as an indicator of how good things really are. In 1981, the national average interest rate for mortgages was 18.45%. By today's standards that is unfathomable
The statistics below are from the MRIS for Montgomery County, Maryland for the month of Decmber 2008. They are in comparison to the same month last year and not a year end tally. Once again, the stats were significantly lower than the same time last year. That should come as no surprise to any ag
Montgomery County Bank Owned Listings The following list of REO properties (Real Estate Owned by banks) was updated January 21, 2009. Each property on the list is a bank owned foreclosure listed in the MRIS. If you are interested in making offers on any of the properties below or would like to
I just got back from meeting a painter at one of my client's rental properties in Germantown. The property has been for rent for several months. It is in need of a paint job and some other fix ups that the owner is going to have done. The other day on Facebook I got back in touch with an old frie