"First hello" is a term used to describe the predictive dialing feature in which a dialing system connects the prospect to the caller as fast as possible so the caller hears the first "Hello?" of the answered call. "First hello" technology depends upon two main factors: the predictive dialer's de
We all know that prospecting doesn't rate too high on the "fun" list. It probably rates in the ballpark of public speaking or getting poked in the face with a sharp stick. Sometimes, it feels more like a chore than a positive action for your business. You need to approach prospecting with "MOJO."
Answering Machine Tips. Why Mojo Makes it Easy to Start Leaving Messages. Back in the "old" days, leaving an answering machine message was cumbersome, repetitive, boring, slow, and did not yield enough positive results. Nothing could ruin your sales MOJO more than hitting the answering machine "s
In the past, it was normal to export your expired listings from your lead provider and print them off. If you live in a metropolitan area, that may have meant printing 100 pages or more. When you were going through your Expireds, maybe a handful were actual leads. So what happened with the other
MOJO Has just launched a new feature in our software. We now have a Landvoice importing tool. It makes it very easy to import your Expireds and FSBO's. Just a few clicks and you are ready to start calling! Here is a link to a demo video: http://www.makemycalls.com/mojovideos/landvoice/landvoice.h
"Call Hammer" is a new feature in MOJO version 2.0. When you import records containing more than one phone number, Call Hammer will ensure all numbers are called. When using a lead provider such as Red X, this feature makes it easy to call all of your prospects numbers in no time flat. What does
Prospecting for Listings– ‘The Battle’ Successfully prospecting on the phone requires three components: good leads, a quick method of calling and good sales skills. A power dialer is not the only key ingredient to a successful sales effort on the phone. If it was, anybody, with any level of s
MOJO can be used for all types of Real Estate Calls. Most agents use it to call their Expireds but its value doesn't stop there! You can use it to call on your FSBO's, Withdrawn, Just Listed, Just Sold, And COI/SOI. Any time that you need to make more than one call at one time, put a little "MOJO
We are pleased to announce the release of our new website! www.mojosells.com
Effective June 15, 2009, Make My Calls / Triple Your Calls will now operate under the name Mojo Selling Solutions. Mojo has officially branded itself as a leader in the Communications and Customer Acquisition industry and we felt that our company name should reflect its success. In addition to ou