Real Estate Prospecting Challenge: How would YOU sell this garbage Dumpster house? Curb Appeal: Are your sales skills so finely tuned that you can sell ANY piece of real estate? How often in your private conversations with fellow Realtors do you say “That house is a real dump!” or “The previous o
Thriving Office -- Can a sound effects CD help boost your confidence on cold calls? Gotta love America — where else would a guy with a tape recorder and a silly idea become a cult recording star to home-based business people? Until the picture phone catches on in the mainstream — and I don’t thi
Artist's rendition of the BiPod Flying Car in automobile and plane modes (Source: Scaled Composites). WOW! Imagine commuting to work or doing your errands in this sweet car… Aviation Week & Space Technology reports that legendary aircraft designer and engineer Burt Rutan has one more amazing su
Mojo auto-dialing and lead management software helps real estate agents like Andrew Beach make up to 300 prospecting calls an hour to their Expired, FSBO, SOI and just listed/just sold leads. LOOK WHO’S GOT MOJO! Agent: Andrew BeachBusiness: Listed2Sold Team at Prudential NW PropertiesLocation:
Two of the most powerful pitches any real estate agent can make are the Just Listed and Just Sold calls. When you present someone with the opportunity to “pick their own neighbor” because you’ve just listed a property next door, down the street, or around the corner, it’s a proposition too good f
The Redx sync was born over 7 months ago, today it remains a must-have efficiency tool for Realtors Picking up listings from For Sale by Owners (FSBOs) and expired listings (Expireds) is common practice among real estate agents. After all, these often-frustrated home sellers are prime candidates
Mojo’s New Pitching Coach Gives Your Sales Coach Seamless Access to Your Calls As someone whose livelihood depends on communicating with customers by phone, you know how critical feedback is to improving your sales pitch. After all, the prospects who don’t buy what you’re selling never tell you w
There’s the East Coast, the West Coast, and the Space Coast. The latter is Mitch Ribak’s territory, officially known as Brevard County, Florida. It’s home, of course, to the John F. Kennedy Space Center, dozens of Florida’s best-kept-secret beaches, and about two dozen golf courses, which Ribak l
It’s true. Every once in a while someone calls you and says, “Let’s talk.” They want to buy a house, sell a house, take out an insurance policy, invest in their future via the financial instruments you sell. But, no matter how good you are, how long you’ve been in the business, those calls are to
When the going gets tough, it’s said, the tough get going. Jeff Silva, nice guy that he is, knew that as the economy—and along with it, real estate sales, in particular—began to tumble, it was time to get tough and turn up the heat on cold-calling. If he was going to continue to produce listings